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They call me flower boy because my body is made of flowers.
The night is my best friend.

If I were a flower, I'd like to be a night flower, that is;
overgrowing in my own thoughts when I'm laying alone at bed.

"I don't need you to take care of me, I can take care of myself."

The light of my phone screen is leading my way on the quiet night streets.
It's a dead hour, only owls fly and sunflowers wilt.
My feet are imprinting dusty footprints on the concrete;
always wishing rain will fall and sweep them away
like the thoughts of killing myself and how much longer until I reach happiness.

Every night I kill myself in these lonesome streets.

"I don't want to be lonely, I just like being alone."

Follow my lead, maybe we'll find the river where my soul pushed my body into last night
or the train rails I threw my heart to, only to watch it being shredded into bits of nothingness.

They don't call me flower boy for nothing.
Every night I flourish with each action and talk.
I'm still growing onto the self that my parents told me to never become.

Smile 'cause you'll forget how it's done;
Cry so you can discard every thought;
Go back to bed to continue growing.

Little flower boy with a heart made of leaves

'cause everybody leaves.

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