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  "But, I'm not as happy as you. Want to know why?"  



3 Years Later

"But if I hit it like this" he spans and came to a halt with one of his feet in the front and the other in the back. "Did you see that mum?" Lincoln beamed as he looked at me in the mirror. I smiled clapping and pointed to his sister. 

"Can you teach her?" I chuckled as I see Kailey just spinning and making herself way too dizzy. 

Lincoln burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world, "No mum, she's too clumsy" he laughed his way all the way over to her and held her. 

I watched them dance for a while as I sat on one of those big bouncing balls. My heart warmed at the sight of them. Every time they nailed a dance move, one of them would run over and hug me. 

It was so heartwarming.

"Daddy's here" I heard a voice coming from the door and my heart deflated as the children who were so hell-bent on hugging and sucking up to me ran to their dad like their life depended on it. 

It was also weird how I had carried Kailey for 9 months and she came out looking exactly like her father. I was devastated, to say the least. The only thing that she got was my attitude apparently and that was founded by Ky. 

"Are we going now?" Link asked and if my heart can, it deflated some more. 

Ever since Ky and I decided on moving from New York to Georgia he has been asking this question every 6 hours and every time it broke my heart. 

I was so not ready to move from New York as yet. It was all I knew since coming to America and I wasn't sure I wanted to leave it as yet. Although Ky promised that we will visit every Christmas, I just didn't think that was enough. 

I was going to miss the busybodies, the Time Square, the scenery, and just about everything from it. Ky said that Georgia was the same, but I doubt it. Especially the side where we are moving. 

But, I had to suck it up, because there was a bigger picture to this. 

Ky was being relocated because of his agency and I had to comply because you know,  children and the whole I'm too in love with him to have a long-distance relationship. 

Also, Georgia was ideal for the kids. It was suitable for their upbringing and that was enough to sell me. 

However, it still didn't stop breaking my heart every time Link asked his dad that question.

"No, we have the party remember?" Ky said, picking up Kailey who was just about tired of reaching for him and rubbing Link's head. 

"Oh," he answered and rubbed his hair back down. He was very picky with his hair. "Well after?" he looked up at his dad with hopeful eyes and Ky chuckled.

"Trust me, when we are leaving you would be the first to know" Ky promised and that seemed to be enough because Link nodded and walked away. Ky laughed and looked over at me. "Need help?" he asked, smiling down at me with Kailey in his arms. She was smiling too and I just couldn't phantom how much she resembled her Dad. 

Ugh, I hate and loved it.

I placed my hand out and he took it, while my other hand went to hold my bump. Hopefully, this one would look like me. I was surely praying for that. 

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