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"The game is to play dirty"

Taylor's P.O.V

Was it possible to know someone for a long time and still get butterflies?

Well, I had big ugly brown moths flying in my stomach as I stare in the mirror waiting on Ky to arrive. 

I had gone with a classy- casual look, considering Ky ordered me not to wear a dress. 

I had on boyfriend-rip jeans, nude heels, and a gold-glittered shirt. I think this was as comfortable as I was going to get. 

Yes, I had on heels, but you have to understand. Ky is a tall individual, I wasn't going out on our first date back together since the incident looked like a midget. 

Oh my gosh. This would be our first back-together appearance. 

All of a sudden my palms got sweaty and my throat went dry. My mind began racing on what the paparazzi were going to have in store for me now. 

I wasn't a star where the comments they made didn't affect me, because I hadn't learned to ignore them yet. I was still a trainee and I couldn't help it that my heart rate sped up with the number of rumors that I would hear tonight. 

Maybe I should call and tell him that we should cancel tonight. Staying inside can be just as adventurous as going out. 

As soon as my hand reached for my phone the buzzer on our apartment went off. 

"Tay, it's Chance" I heard Kim shout from the living room. I looked back into the mirror, my eyes wide like saucers and I was wondering if I stared harder you can see my heart beating in my chest. 

C'mon Taylor, suck it up.


"I'm coming!" 

"Are you nervous or something?" I looked down to see Ruby standing by my door with her Bratz PJs on. I chuckled and scooped her up walking towards the door. 

"Wow, you look good," Ky said as soon as he saw me. I lit up like a firefly, the heat spreading in my cheeks and neck. He smiled and gestured to Ruby. "Even with the 5 years old protruding out from your side" he grinned and I chuckled. 

"You don't look too bad yourself" I complimented. 

Damn, he looked gorgeous. With his hair combed back and a jeans shirt with blue washed jeans. He looks effortlessly handsome and I got a tinge of jealousy that he can do that. 

I placed a squirming Ruby down and she ran towards a smiling Ky who picked her up and spun her around. 

"How does it go Ruby The Cutie?" he tickled her and I smiled at how close they had gotten. He really was a sucker for her and they only knew each other for a week. It's amazing really, but Ruby is a very friendly baby. 

"Uncle Ky, can you remind Aunt Tay to please bring back gummy bears," she told him and he nodded. "And don't let her eat it. She always does" she tried whispering in his ears, but she doesn't know how to do that as yet. 

I rolled my eyes and Ky looked at me questionably. 

"She does, does she?" 

I glared at him, folding my arms "You were sleeping when I got home" I defended myself. 

"Mommy puts them in the fridgeawator" she argued and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my purse. I wasn't fighting with a toddler. 

Ky was in tears laughing by now and I had to punch him in the chest. He sobered up quickly. 

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