!? Update again ?!

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I literally find out tonight @ 3:00am that I have 3k reads on this story... Are you serious?! I'm freaking out. This is amazing!! I seriously love you guys to the moon and back! Omg I am honestly lost for words.

In honor of that, I don't know what to do in honor of that honestly... HALP!!!

Okay so I want you guys to do a favor for me:

Comment below on what I should do to celebrate 3k reads.

I mean,

~I can livestream BO2 *only game I can LS, BORINGGGG*

~Do a face reveal * :P don't judge me, don't know how though*

~Or do a Q&A!

I personally like a Q&A. Easier for me really. But tell me what you guys want and I'll see what I can do.

You guys are literally all amazing people and I love every single one of you!

~Love you gorgeous people~Stay awesome~


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