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"We still going to workout at three right?" Maurice asked as her, Mila, Korea, and I walked out of church. I held Taejin's hand, thanking a man that held the door open for us.

"Sis it's already one." I told her. "I'm still sore from the other day."

Going to the gym with her controlling ass was a horrible mistake. We literally worked out on every machine after our two warmup laps, then the bitch had the nerve to make me run hills afterwards. Mila was used to it so she didn't mind but I was tired as hell bout time we finished. My legs felt like noodles, my mouth was dry, and I didn't get my breathing back to normal until hours later.

"Girl that was four days ago, get over it. You told me you wanted to loose weight but you not acting like it."

"I would curse you out if we weren't on the church ground."

"I expect you to meet me at the gym at three Nicole." She unlocked her car, looking back as she walked to it.

"Don't expect nothing from people; that's how you get disappointed." I said making Korea and Maurice laugh.


"Ima be there Maurice." I cut her off as I picked up Taejin to put him in his car seat.

I looked back seeing Tae and Julio were laughing and talking with one of our church members.

"What's for Sunday dinner mama?" Mila put her arm around Ms. Yolanda's neck.

"Something very simple and easy. Smothered pork chops and chicken, cabbage, yams, pinto beans, cornbread, and homemade sweet tea."

My mouth watered just imaging how good that food was gone be. "I'll be the first one at the table." I hugged her and Mr. Lenard goodbye before going and getting in the passenger seat of my G-Wagon.

"Mommy I hungry."

"What you want to eat baby?"


"McDonald's or Sonic?" I really wanted a slush from Sonic my damn self.

"Sonic, cheese!"

I giggled "Cheese sticks? Ok baby" I told him as Tae opened the left backseat door.

He kissed Troi's cheeks several times before putting her in her car seat. "Hey Troi Troi" Taejin grabbed her hand as she sucked away on her pacifier. "You pretty Troi Troi." He complimented her causing Tae and I to smile.

"Daddy, me and Mommy go Sonic." He licked over his top lip. "Ok?"

"I got you bro." Tae shut the door before getting in the front seat. "The Sonic by the house or the other one?"

"The other one Tae. You know the one by the house always taste like poison."

He laughed "What do poison taste like bae?"


We looked at each other before we both laughed. "You a fool" He put on his left signal, switching lanes.

I ate my chili cheese dog and cheese tots before we got home. I was hungry and I needed to hurry up in order to meet Maurice on time. When I walked into the gym she was already in the back doing her stretches.

"Bout time" She looked at her Apple Watch then back up at me.

"Bitch it's 3:05"

"Exactly, you're five minutes late." She leaned over touching her feet.

I smacked my lips "Wow a whole five minutes, what a big deal." I spoke sarcastically, sitting down beside her. I hadn't asked her to be my personal trainer but she took the role on herself. I knew sis was lonely since Leslie had left for New York but she had turned into a complete rude bitch.

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