09: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

When I got to school, my brothers awkwardly got out of the car without saying anything.  I rolled my eyes at their cowardly behavior and walked through the front gate.  The moment I got inside the main building, I wished I hadn't.

Everyone's conversation halted as they all stared at me.  It was like time had stopped.  I fought the urge to tug at my skirt and kept a steady face.  

How did the information spread so quickly?

I instantly knew it was my brothers telling a few of their friends the news.  And then those friends told other people, and that had started the chain of how I hadn't had sex with Zayden, even though he had pushed me to.  

And then one of my brothers' friend, Greg I think it was, yelled, "hey, you made me lose 500 dollars!  Why couldn't you have just slept with Zayden?"

I sucked in a breath as everyone sniggered.  I heard murmurs of I bet she's a lesbian and She probably freaked out at the thought of sex. The people's whispers and chortles pounded inside my head and I felt myself starting to break down.  I ran out of there as fast as my feet could carry, my backpack hitting against my back with every step I took.

I couldn't go to class today.  Not when everyone was talking about me.  

Yesterday, I was so terrified about almost being raped and I was dismayed and furious, but I hadn't really thought about how everyone at school would react.  My brothers had told me practically everyone at school knew about it, but I hadn't thought it was such a big thing among the students.

I went to my usual tree and curled up in a ball.  This tree was not the biggest or the smallest tree of the park, and it was close to the edge of the park where it was well hidden, and I loved it because I could see the park entirely without being spotted myself.  But then I loved this spot even more, because I felt like it was me and Zayden's special place.  

But now I know everything was a lie, and it brings back memories that are only painful to me now.

I heard footsteps coming towards this tree, and my eyes widened.  I didn't want anyone to see me in my emotional, vulnerable state.  I quickly climbed up the tree, and crouched down behind the leaves.  I held my breath as I looked in between the branches to see who it was.

"Cass?  Are you here?"

I wanted to yell and cry at the same time.  Of course, it was Zayden.

"I know you're here so will you please come out?  I can explain."  I fought the urge to scoff.  I couldn't believe he was trying to explain this situation.  I knew it well enough.

"Cass, please."

Right then, my feet slipped slightly from the branch I was standing on.  I immediately grabbed the branches in front of me, but it had caused the rustling to give me away.

Zayden peered under the tree and put on a small smile when he saw me.  "You weren't in class, so I guessed you'd be here."

"I don't want to see you.  I don't want to talk to you!"

"I can—"  He started but I cut him off.

"No, you can't explain.  You led me on and played with my emotions.  You flirted to me and tried to have sex with me.  All because of some stupid bet!  There is absolutely nothing to explain."  My words were strong and harsh, and I couldn't care less if he was hurt or not.

"Cass, the bet was a huge mistake.  I thought you were some weird bookworm that looked down on everyone else.  But that's not you.  From the middle, I wasn't acting anymore.  I was genuinely happy to hang out with you.  I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose my friend."

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