Don't bring her back until she's pregnant

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Miguel's POV:

After breakfast, I took Gabriella to my room to clean her bloody/bruise hands.

I was beyond furious that my mate had to get into a fight and hurt her pretty hands, all because of that incest two dollar hoe of a cousin.

You would think after I rejected her the ten times before and that I have my own mate, she would let it go but no she didn't. and I don't care if she's my cousin if she does something again, I'm killing her and throwing her body into a river full of crocodiles.

King was way more angry than me, because he's more closer to Gabriella, since he feels the bond way more then what me and Gabriella feel.

That's the whole point of why he feels like ripping Logan's body apart, limb from limb.

"Hey baby relax I'm fine" Whispered Mi amore's sweet voice.

"I'm trying baby girl, it's just she made me furious." My voice came out as a growl. knowing I'm making Gabriella aroused, just by her sweet smell radiating off from her. Counting she also said how hot I was angry, so there's that too.

I would smirk, but I was still upset.

"I know, but I'm fine Miguel I promise." Her eyes pleaded with me to calm down, which I finally did making her smile and lean down to peck my lips a couple times.

"Thanks babe, for fixing me up. Now let's say good bye to your family and head home" Gabriella got up from the bed rubbing her hand through my messy hair, and swayed her hips out my bedroom door.

Sighh...she's going to be the death of me....again.

That's what's been getting me too, is how Gabriella only came out with a few bruises on her knuckles, while the skank got beat and she was the demon? Hmm...I have to check up on that, but right now I'm going to enjoy getting my food when I get home.

Getting up I put the aid kit away in my bathroom drawer and walked out my room, to go and find Gabriella. When I saw her I rolled my eyes at the scene of my mom crying and yelling stay at Gabriella, while my father was telling her to calm down.

"Mother she will come back and visit, now stop shaking her everywhere." Rebecca told her, while patting her shoulder and giving pity eyes towards my mate.

"You better! You don't even need to bring my son just come by yourself, I need more females in this house anyways other then Rebecca and the maids."

"I will Angelina, don't worry" Gabriella smiled and hugged my mom tightly.

After the hug my mother turn towards me.

"She better have a ring on her finger the next time you come over and a baby in her stomach, or I'm drop kicking you in your dick. Do you understand" My mom growled at me.

I just want to know why I'm suffering here, when I didn't even do anything.

"Honey calm down, he will marry her when he is ready okay?" My dad said while calming that nutcase down.

My mom pouted "Fine!" With her arms crossed. "But she at least needs to be pregnant then I will be happy again, with my disappointment of a son"

You see what I'm talking about? She's crazy, a nutcase, a lunatic!

"Yeah, yeah mom anyways see you guys later love you" I gave a bro hug to my dad and kissed my mom on the cheek while pushing my sister out of the way making her yell asshole, and grabbed Gabriella hand, to walk us to my car.

I'm just happy to leave and spend alone time with my baby girl.

"Your mom is something else isn't she?" Gabriella laughed while in the car.

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