Barbie heifer

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Gabriella's POV:

My body woke me up this morning, screaming that I better go pee, before I let go and piss Miguel's boxers.

But of course Miguel's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, closely to my bladder region. All I had to do was tickle his nose, which caused his face to scrunch up and wipe it with the hand that  was wrapped around me. Once he let go I ran to the bathroom and did my business. Sighing in relief, once I let go of all that misery that was being held in my lower region.

In the bathroom I looked around for an extra toothbrush, because if I didn't find one I was just going to use my finger, but I rather not. However I opened up one of the drawers under the double mirrors in his bathroom and grabbed the toothbrush in the unopened package.

Sighing in relief again, knowing I won't go around with stinky ass breath, I brushed my teeth and decided to go wake up Miguel so we can leave and go home.

As I walked into the bedroom, I saw Miguel snuggle up against my people on his phone, once he heard me come into the bedroom, he looked up and smiled. Making me gush at how handsome he looked.

"You want to leave babe?" Miguel said while getting up and walking over to me. I shudder at his raspy morning voice.

I swear guys and morning voices are two things I never get tired of.

"Yeah, so get dressed so we can leave." I said playfully scolding him, causing him to smirk.

"Better drop the tude baby girl" Miguel whispered playfully in my ear, causing my breath to hitch.

Pushing him away, he laughed at my reaction and walked into the bathroom to get ready. I scowled at the close bathroom door and threw on his clean sweat pants and walked out his room, trying to find the way to his kitchen or outside.

But I wanted to say bye to his family first.

I kept walking and walking until I heard a scoff come from behind me, causing me to turn around. Only to find barbie bitch to be glaring at me with her arms crossed.

Sigh......It's too early in the morning for this Regina George heifer, to start stuff with me.

"Yes?" I said as I popped my hip out and put my hand on my hip.

"Ew don't speak to me human, who gave you permission to walk in my house?"

Ha ha.. bitch what? Did she really say her house?

Me being me I closed my mouth and turned back around, since she don't want me to speak to her so why should I comment anything.

"Excuse me BITCH! But I asked you a question" She said while stomping over to me and twirling me around.

First mistake: Don't ever in your life put your hands on me. Unless you're my mom.

Second mistake: Don't ever get someone's face who just woke up and is hungry, angry.

"First off don't put your unclean ass hands on me heifer. Do you understand? And second you were the one who told me not to speak to you, so I didn't. Now I'm going to leave before you catch my hands."

I was about to walk away, until she turned me around again.

This fake ass barbie, dumpster smelling, ashy elbows and knees, trash bag ass bitch, is really trying me.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I can make you, and your generations on top of other  generations cursed for all eternity, human. Just run back to your run down apartment and leave Miguel here, before you get hurt." 

Let me just say that's when all reason in my head snapped and was replaced with red fury, because I know this heifer did not just threaten me but also said to leave my hubby behind. ohhhhh.... she get it mad TWISTED!

All reason, that she was a demon was gone and My body reacted by jumping onto this bitch and punching the living daylights out of her.

"You can talk about me all you want, but when it comes to family that's when you cross the line"

She was trying to scratch my face, and for a demon she was really weak, or my adrenaline and rage is making me really strong. However it didn't matter, all I know is this bitch is getting beat like she deserves.

I kept punching and punching feeling blood on my hands and face from breaking her nose, it all stopped, once I felt strong familiar tattooed arms wrap around my waist and pick me up.

I didn't calm down though because the bitch saying for me to leave Miguel, kept going through my mind.

"Let me go!" I gritted out frustrated.

" girl relax" A deep voice whispered in my ear making me instantly relax and lean into a hard chest.

As he was holding onto me, I saw Miguel's family helping the dumb bitch up and taking her away, while I saw Angelina and Rebecca were smirking at her.

Not going to lie, I was embarrassed that I lost my cool like that, but at the same time I wasn't because she deserved everything she got. Even though violence is never the answer, I just couldn't take her disrespecting my family like that.

As Miguel finally put me down, he hugged me into his chest and rubbed my back while kissing my head, relaxing me and taking all my worries and problems away.

"Are you okay mi amore?" Miguel asked while still rubbing my back.

All I did was nod my head not really wanting to talk about it with all these people around.

"Anyways, who's hungry?" Angelina asked, making me smile at how she noticed the awkward atmosphere.

Everyone around said "Me!" and started walking to the kitchen, giving me small smiles and thumbs up, making me smile even more.

"Don't worry Gabriella, a lot of us didn't like Logan. She was just a cousin on my dad's side, who has a crush on Miguel"

Ew....the bitch was hella nasty to the the moon and back. At least I know nothing happened between her and Miguel. Just at the way Miguel's hands tightened around me and the angered he had in his eyes.

All I did was let out a small laugh and kiss his neck. Causing him to relax and look down at me, while pecking my lips.

"Don't worry baby girl, you won't have to worry about that skank for awhile."

I guess it couldn't be ever again, because she was his family.

"Okay" I sighed happily, while walking to the kitchen to enjoy some breakfast.

Sorry guys I haven't updated but I'm doing two chapters today then, I'm updating my other books, but let's just say that writer's block sucks ball sacks:(

Anywhores I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and to tell you I was happy Logan or barbie got punched once or twice, it shows her that ain't nobody have time fore her fantasies of her and Miguel.




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