Meeting the family

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Gabriella's POV:

Ever since I woke up this morning, I have been nervous.

Yeah, yeah I know I talked about how Miguel shouldn't worry about me meeting his family because everything would go fine. It still doesn't mean that I'm not dreading it.

The questions "What if they don't think I'm fit enough to be with the Miguel, who's parents are obviously demons too?" So of course I would be a teensy bit nervous.

However my brain has been saying "Girl who cares about what they think about you. You're his mate so if they don't like it, they could suck your non-existent dick!"

For once I didn't curse the voice in my head.

So after having a full conversation with my brain, I decided to not worry as much, which caused me to be in the situation of being a teensy bit nervous. So here I was hyping myself up in the mirror.

"Girl look at you! Looking hot like lava, what do you have to worry about? If they don't like you for being yourself then they can suck your left toe, because you shouldn't care what they have to say."

"They could just kiss my ass" And for emphasis I slapped my ass, then started twisting and turning admiring how beautiful I looked.

"Mi amore what are you doing?" Miguel said leaning on the door frame, while holding back a smile.

Shit! He caught me.

"What? I'm obviously modeling." I said with confidence that quickly fell, once it sounded more embarrassing coming out of my mouth.

"Oh really?" Miguel finally let go of the smile he was holding back and went to our soft bed and sat down. "Show me what you got then."

I smirked and all the nervous and embarrassed feelings I had before, quickly evaporated and was replaced with confidence again.


Then I pretended my room was the runway and I posed at the end by my dresser, making sure to add emphasis on the pose.

Mind you I'm only in a tank top, a pair of shorts, and knee high socks with slippers on.

I guess I was doing well because Miguel was cheering me on saying "Yes, that's my baby" and "Look at that ass!" or "Yass Gabriella strut your stuff" I was trying so hard not to laugh and kept walking with a semi serious face.

After 20 minutes of me almost breaking my back and losing calories, I finished with a round of applause from my hubby. Which ended up making me finally start laughing, but that wasn't the case for me because it just sounded like I was legit dying.

That's how you know I'm out of shape. Sighh.... back to the gym after tomorrow I guess, which I know me saying this now, it won't be case for next week because I would be back to eating junk food. Since I'm so lazy and I love food. (A/N same I just started exercising because my mom promised me she would give me a 100 dollars if I did)

Time passed from me just play fighting with Miguel and making sure I had everything for tonight. So when it struck 6 o'clock me and Miguel started getting ready since it takes about an half an hour to get there.

After putting on my dress, I put some black flats on because even though I wear heels, I don't wear them to events that last a long time because my feet would hurt the whole time, so I just don't wear them unless I have too.

I was mostly ready in 30 minutes because I didn't have to worry about make up, and my hair took the longest because I washed and straighten it with two braids forming a crown went around my head with a white bow holding them in place. Finishing the look with some lip gloss and mascara I was ready.

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