How To Fall Asleep Easily

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-Drink cherry juice

-Obviously, don't nap. If you need to, try not to nap for more than 20 min

-Keep a routine and try and sleep at the same time every night (cliché but accurate)

-Apparently fish can help because of Omega 3

-Download apps like "Alarmy" or "StepOut!" to give you activities to do before bed which tire you out

-This is also cliché but turn off electronics an hour or 30 mins before bed


-Smoking, drinking, and caffeine will not help and will probably ruin the quality of your sleep. I'm not saying don't do this but don't drink/consume these things as often!

-Eat smaller portions for dinner (this can vary depending on your needs)

-Try to be in bed less throughout the day

-Keep your room cooler

-Drink chamomile tea

-Write down your thoughts

If none of these work, I would look online for more tips. If you're still having trouble, I would suggest asking your doctor about your issue with your sleep.

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