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products you should buy;
- a cleanser (daily)
- an exfoliator (1x a week)
- a toner (daily)
- a mosturizer (daily)
- face mask (1x a week)

- for oily, acne-prone skin: clean&clear deep action cream cleanser
- for dry, sensitive skin: cetaphil gentle skin cleanser
- for dry, acne-prone skin:  cerave hydrating cleanser

- oily skin: formula 10.0.6 one smooth operator
- sensitive/acne skin: neutrogena deep clean gentle scrub
- sensitive skin: simple smoothing facial scrub
- oily/acne skin: clearasil uktra rapid action scrub

- oily/normal skin: witch hazel
- dry skin: body shop vitamin e hydrating toner
- combo/oily skin: garnier pore refinfing green tea toner

- dry skin: ponds dry skin cream
- oily skin: formula 10.0.6 seriously shine free mosturizer
- sensitive skin: cetaphil dailyadvance lotion
- acne prone skin: clean&clear adavantage acne control mosturizer

- dry skin: yes to coconuts ultra hydrating facial mask
- normal/sensitive skin: freeman's facial peel-off cucumber mask
- oily skin: ahava purifying mud mask
- acne prone skin: aztec secret indian healing clay

- stay properly hydrated
- change your pillowcases regularly
- don't touch your face, unless you need to (mosturizer, makeup, acne)
- if you wear makeup, always always ALWAYS remove it before bed
- get enough sleep
- don't eat too much junk

i only use a couple of these items but if you use anything on these lists, comment if they work well or not! ly all! 💘💘

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