Word from Author

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So a few notes to read before divulging into the world of Rhys and Kacey:

1. I FINALLY GOT OUT OF MY WRITER'S BLOCK GUYS, heh, 7 years later. 


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2. I wrote this so long ago that my writing has improved A LOT but for the sake of this I'll finish the book how I use to write then. Of course I made minor adjustments to the characters and storyline.

3. Keep that in mind, I really haven't had a chance to edit it. So if something isn't making sense please point it out.

4. I do have chapters written up already to post so no worry about me becoming cold turkey again and running away. I will post them every 3-5 days depending on feedback.

5. Like always, I welcome constructive criticism. If you see any errors or want to point out anything that can improve the story feel free to shoot me a message or comment :)

6. If you're looking for a more mature book with much better writing check out "Cold Hearted Bastard". I will be updating that one regularly too. 

Xoxo Dipsey

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Xoxo Dipsey

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