Reminder: Never Drink Again

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"Sorry about that." I told her with the friendliest smile I could possibly manage. I moved my death glare from Rhys and walked closer towards her. "I heard you're Mark's girlfriend?"

Mark looked over to me as if he couldn't figure out what game I was playing. Good.

"Well only of recent, I moved in a month ago from Los Angeles. The rent was cheap and I figured these guys wouldn't be that bad," she joked lovingly as she watched the both of them. I was baffled when she said the rent was cheap and wondered if I was in the wrong state.

"Listen," she began, guilt looming in her electric blue eyes, " I sort of took the opportunity to invite some people over tonight. I know you both are probably tired but it's just to finally put a face to Rhys' mysterious new fiancee."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised that I was even a topic in his group of friends. The last thing I wanted to do was try to socialise with a bunch of new faces. My social anxiety would be out in full force.

"Yea Kace and I are down," Rhys answered for the two of us and I watched him with a look of disbelief.

"What?" he asked innocently, "I thought that's what the guy's supposed to do."

"No Rhys, we're in the twenty first century. Women actually have a mouth they could use. I don't need you to speak on behalf of me," I firmly said. Even though the irony of our arranged marriage loomed in my mind.

"They'll be here in an hour or so. So I advise you all to get ready." She squealed reminding me of a five year old. Like I said I was going to annihilate her.

I dragged my feet up the stairs and traced my steps back to the room. I began ruffling through my clothes to find a cute dress that I thought was appropriate enough. I changed and then searched the room for my handbag which had my cosmetics in it.

"Rhys, have you seen my handbag?" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He took his cool time to come, making me more annoyed by the second.

"Why do you look like you're going to church?" He said, observing my outfit.

"Huh?" I looked down at the dress, it hung close to my knees but still showed off a little skin, "it's cute."

"No Kace, you need to change. Look for something hot to wear. Might be hard for you to pull off but give it a shot."

"Every second I think you can't get worse you never fail to surprise me."

He smirked, folding his arms, one over the other, "What do you want my ass-tastic love?"

I scoffed, not wanting to stand another unnecessary minute in his presence, "my handbag. Have you seen it?"

He smirked and I had a sick feeling that I wasn't going to find out where my it was. I stared at him, and he stared back.

"I'll give it back to you on one condition."

A sick feeling loomed in my stomach and I knew I wasn't going to like this one condition.

"What?" I reluctantly asked.

"You have to kiss me."

"I have to what?"

"Kiss me." Did I hear right?

"Kiss you?"

"Yes fucking kiss me."

"Is it negotiable?"


"So if I don't?" I asked, weighing my options. I definitely wasn't stooping so far as to kiss the prick.

An Arranged Marriage, To Mr. Cocky Over There? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now