Chapter 21

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My writer's block is keeping me from writing in your POV, so here's more Hiccup. Sorry.
Excuse any mistakes, c:

**Hiccup's POV**

I wake up to the usual thumping on my roof. "I'm getting up, Toothless." I grumble. I hear him roar and sigh. "Just give me a minute." I sit up and brush my hair back from my face. (D/n) groans from beside me. I look at her and sigh. "Come on, girl. We might be able to find her today." I say. She jumps up on my shoulder and sits there, her head against my neck.

Toothless is waiting outside the door for me when I walk out. "Alright, bud. You hungry?" His ears perk up and he drags the saddle in front of me.

"We're not flying right now, bud." He whimpers. "No." I shake my head and begin walking to the Great Hall, stopping to feed Toothless and (d/n) fish on the way there. Before I walk in I pat Toothless on his head and he looks up at me sadly. "I'm going to find her today." I say quietly. Toothless licks my face and I push him off, laughing softly. "Stay here with (d/n). I won't be in there long."

I pull the doors open and walk to my friends, who all stare at me with small smiles on their faces. "What?" I mumble, annoyed.

"So she still hasn't shown up, huh?" Astrid asks from across the table.

"Uh, no." I say, taking a drink of water.

"That's too bad. You must be really worried, not knowing where she is..."

"Astrid." I mumble, looking down as I feel a sharp stab of pain in my heart.

"Whether she's okay..."

"Astrid." I clench my fists in anger. What is she doing?

"Knowing your dad won't let you go find her-"

"Astrid!" I shoot up out of my seat. "What's the point of this?"

She laughs and places her hand on mine. I jerk it away. "The point is that your dad sent a search party for her earlier this morning."

I fall back into my seat. "He... he did?" Astrid nods. I jump out of my seat and out the doors, aware of my friends following behind me. I jump on Toothless and scoop (d/n) in my arms, ignoring her stubborn roars of protest.

I see Dad standing at the dock with Gobber, talking to him as both of them order men on ships. I land beside him and jump off of Toothless. "Dad!" I shout. He smiles at me as I run up to him. "You're sending a search party out?"

He nods. "Son, I don't want you to think that I wouldn't let you go find here because she wasn't apart of this tribe. She is. I just couldn't lose you. I've lost your mother-"

"Dad." Is all I can say as I hug him. I step back. "Uh, thanks." I shrug.

He pats my shoulder. "So, I sent out two ships earlier, and two ships right now. We will be searching every deserted island, every piece of land." I nod. "You, and your friends of course, will be flying. Gobber and I will be doing the same."

I climb on top of Toothless and (d/n) climbs on my shoulder. "Be careful son." He says.

I nod. "I will, Dad." I look behind me and see everyone else on their dragons. "Alright, bud." I pat Toothless's head. "Let's go."

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