21. Solar Eclipse

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The calls went out late last week to prepare. Ezra going to the packs that have agreed to help to make sure they're being trained the way they are supposed to. Emmett returning back to his pack to collect his warriors. Isaiah preparing his pack as a refuge for those who need it.

Every morning I am in Isaiah's office, that has slowly become my own. I am planning and re-planning. I'm making sure that we have the best route possible and making sure that we are always three steps ahead. We have to always be that way. We are all coming from the east to attack. An equal amount of warriors coming from most directions to attack the pack. I have Payne and Ezra looking over it, again and again, to make sure the plans make sense. The afternoons have me talking to members of the pack, seeing what they want and how I can do it. The evenings have me training over and over so I am the best I can be. The nights have me calling Emmett and telling him about my days, about what I've planned. And as each day passes I feel better and better about what is to come.

And now it's come.

We leave in darks of the morning when my father is well in his bed and his patrols are the weakest, something Cayne has taken the liberty of finding out for me. Does my father understand that morning isn't coming until much later today? That he won't have the light he needs. My warriors have their light.

It's me.

I stand shoulder to shoulder with that alpha's of the packs who have helped along the journey. We lead our packs to my childhood home, we lead them into a war. Today is the day that will change everyone's lives, because today is the day the Beast takes what is hers.

"The innocent stay untouched," I tell my partners of mayhem before we separate in four groups. Attack them from all angles. I have no war for those who have nothing against me. If they want to fight, they fight. But those who have no problem with me stay safe.

"You leave my father to me, Emmett. No matter what." I tell him before he heads off himself, all waiting for my command. No one touches what's mine. My birthright. 

I watch as the dark clouds begin to fill the sky. It won't be long until the thunder booms and the lightning strikes. An ominous sight for an ominous night. It makes the dark night even darker. It makes the eclipse feel worse than it really is. Each step we take as the sky turning darker and darker until I finally step foot on my homeland; a land supposed to show me kindness, respect, and train me to be the Alpha I made myself. Instead, the pack showed me hatred and pain. Their worst mistake was underestimating this female. 

A flash of lightning strikes as my army waits for a command, one I give them without words. We walk for at least ten minutes before the first wolf is seen doing a round, Cayne is quick to take him out before we continue. Each step has each member of my war hiding on the levels of the pack; up in the tree, behind a house, blending in with the sheet of darkness until it was just Ezra and me. We walk closer and closer until the pack house is in view - It would be so easy to take them in their sleep, a pack so unprotected that an army could come in the middle of the night and take them all. But I want a fair fight. A fight for what's mine. 

"What now?" I'm asked from my left. Ezra is starring at me like he would in our many days in that office. Questioning me over and over "are you sure that's the right decision"  just trying to psych me out. I don't need to answer the question because seconds later the door opens to the pack house and my dad stamps out with his left, Elick, and his warrior Alois. They're caught off guard, it will take them time for their army to come without the light. 

"Lux." He says in a tone that proves why he is called Alpha. A voice I was terrified of as my pup. "What brings you back to my territory?" He looks at each of my army of two standing in front of him, underestimating them. Does he know the war I bring to each side of his territory?

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