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TIME: 2:13 AM

      Still on the first floor, the boys came to the end of a hall that split to the right and to the left. "Where do we go now?" Kise whispered. "We've been here before!"

      "This hospital is confusing," Murasakibara remarked. "It's too big."

      "Based on my calculations, we haven't been down one hallway, which is the hallway we are about to enter," Midorima stated. "Therefore, the elevator to the second floor must be here, nanodayo."

      "That's pretty dumb only putting one elevator in the entire building," Aomine muttered. 

      "I agree," Midorima said. "With that in mind, the probability of there being a security guard nearby is very high. Check if there are any guards, Aomine."

      Aomine peered around the corner and down the right hallway- it was clear. He hid back behind the corner quickly, then peered down the left hall. Almost immediately, his eyes widened, and he stumbled back behind the corner. "There's a security guard in the left hall," Aomine whispered. "He's right in front of the elevator."

      "What do we do?!" Kise whisper-screamed. "We're gonna get caught!!! I can't go to jail!!!"

      Before Aomine could respond, a cell phone started going off. Riiing! Riiing! Riiing! The boys jumped. 

      "Where is that coming from?!" Kise cried under his breath. 

      "It's coming from Kurochin's pocket," Murasakibara said. The phone continued to go off in Kuroko's back pocket, relentlessly trying to alert the guard of their presence. 

      "Hey! Who's there?!" someone yelled. It was the guard.

      "Make it stop, Aomine," Midorima ordered. 

      "I'm not reaching into his pocket!" 

      "They're gonna to find us!" Kise cried. 

      Aomine glanced around their hallway, looking for a way out of this mess. His eyes suddenly fell onto a door a few feet behind them. On the door, a sign read "STORAGE CLOSET". 

      "Everyone in the closet!" He whisper-yelled. 

      With Kuroko still slung over his shoulder, Aomine swung open the door and led the others inside the cramped storage closet. As soon as everyone squeezed inside, Murasakibara closed the door behind them. 

      Wide-eyed from anticipation, they all watched the crack under the door. They held their breaths- a light, no doubt from the guard's flashlight, passed under the door quickly, as if the guard had kept walking. The boys began to sigh, but Aomine shushed them. The ace slowly put Kuroko on the ground, pushed his way to the door, and listened. He could faintly hear a pair of footsteps gradually fade off into the distance, then stop altogether. 

      Careful not to make a sound, he cracked open the door and peered down the hall. Their hall was, thank God, clear. Using a great amount of caution, Aomine crept back into their hall and checked the hall that split into two. The right was clear. When he checked the left, he breathed a sigh of relief- it was clear. They could finally use the elevator. 

      Aomine returned to the closet, and opened the door. "We're clear," Aomine said. 

      Everyone jumped. 

      "Aominecchi! You gave me a heart attack!" Kise whined. "I thought you were the guard!"

      "You should announce yourself next time, nanodayo," Midorima said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 

       A vein popped in Aomine's forehead. "I checked the hall so we didn't get caught!"

      "You were too slow," Murasakibara complained.

      "Yeah! I had to be quiet for a long time!!!" Kise added.

       Aomine let out a frustrated sigh. "Let's just go find Akashi...," he said, slinging Kuroko back over his shoulder. 

       As they entered the hall, Kise asked, "I wonder who would be calling Kurokocchi at this hour?" 

      "Most likely his parents, nanodayo," Midorima stated. "They probably want to know if he's safe." Aomine shrugged. The Generation of Miracles continued down the hall towards the elevator......  

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