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      Riiing!!! Riiing!!! Akashi-san sighed. Who could possibly need him at this moment? He was in the middle of drafting a very important document for his business, one that required his full attention. Frustrated with whoever dared to disturb him, Akashi-san answered his cell phone.


      "Is this Akashi Seijuro's father?"

      Akashi-san stiffened. What had Seijuro done? "Yes."

      "This is Shiguro-san, the coach of Rakuzan High School's basketball team. I'm calling to inform you that your son, Seijuro, was involved in a basketball accident. We are taking him to the Kyoto Mercy Hospital now."

      Akashi-san froze. "What kind of accident? How bad are his injuries?"

      "He was jogging around the gym while the rest of the team was playing a scrimmage," Shiguro-san explained. "One of the players passed the ball in the direction of Seijuro to another player. The player did not catch the ball, and the ball hit Seijuro in the head. Seijuro was unconscious for about two minutes. He did wake up, but only for one minute. He has a serious concussion, sir."

      Shiguro-san paused. "It doesn't look too good," he said in a lowered voice. "If I were you, I would drive to the hospital as soon as possible."

      Akashi-san dropped his phone. He stood there behind his desk, frozen in shock. His son was never ill- he had never been hospitalized a day in his life. How could he suddenly end up in the hospital over an incident at basketball practice?

      Seijuro will be fine, Akashi-san thought, pushing all of his doubts aside. He is in the capable hands of his coach, who is a part of Rakuzan High School- the school that is perfection. Therefore, he will receive perfect care, and will fully recover. The probability of his life being in danger at this moment is none.

      Suddenly, Akashi-san's mind flashed back to his late wife. She had died of a rare illness about ten years ago, when Seijuro was only in the first grade. Thoughts of his son being as ill as his late wife entered his mind, filling him to the brim with worry. He had already lost his wife- what if he lost his son?

      "No!" Akashi-san yelled, abruptly ending the thought. "He's fine! My son is fine!" He sat back down in his office chair and turned his attention back to his work, attempting to forget that the phone call had ever happened.

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