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      These are classic symptoms of a concussion, the coach thought. He needs to be hospitalized immediately.

      While the coach tried to remember the other symptoms of a concussion, a wave of drowsiness suddenly passed over Akashi. It made his body feel heavy, and his mind full of fog. Sleep had firmly grabbed ahold of him, drowning him in an ocean of fatigue- and he was sinking fast. Akashi couldn't resist such a strong pull of sleep- his eyelids slowly began to close shut, preparing him for a deep sleep.....

      Confident he knew the remaining symptoms of a concussion, the coach turned his attention back to Akashi, and noticed the boy's eyelids were drooping. That wasn't good- he needed to stay awake.


      A white-hot pain shot through Akashi's head, intensifying his already throbbing headache. Akashi let out a bloodcurdling yell that echoed throughout the entire gym, allowing anyone nearby to hear his pain. He rolled to his right side, his eyes shut tight from the pain, and held his head in his hands. Make it stop, he internally pleaded. Please, make this pain stop.

      Akashi struggled to make sense of what was going on. He was beyond exhausted. Every fiber of his being desired to fall into a deep sleep- the only thing keeping him from doing so was his splitting headache, and this man who he couldn't quite put a name to.


      With his brow still furrowed from the intense pain, Akashi forced himself to half-open his eyes.

      "How do you feel?"

      He grunted, now extremely irritated with the man. Why is this man asking me so many questions? Akashi wondered, wishing he would stop. The man was causing him just as much pain as his headache at this point. Who was this man, anyway?

      "Do you remember who I am?"

      Akashi paused, and looked back up at the coach, studying his face for any clues to his identity. He does seem vaguely familiar..., he thought. Maybe he is someone I know.....someone close to me or I see on a regular basis... "My...father?"

      The coach's jaw dropped. Where are those paramedics? he thought. Dilated pupils, slow to respond, obvious headache, fatigue, and now memory loss. His symptoms are worsening...

      Akashi began to succumb to his fatigue again. His eyelids felt unnaturally heavy, as if they had suddenly turned into lead. Sleep seemed inevitable at this point- there was no denying that he would not be awake much longer. I...I'm too tired to sort through this now..., Akashi thought, now on the verge of sleep. Tomorrow morning, I will try to understand this better.... His eyelids slowly began to droop, until they finally came to a close. Just before the boy slipped into unconsciousness, the gym doors nearest to them burst open.

      "Paramedics!!!" Two paramedics ran in wheeling a gurney, followed by a third paramedic. The first two each pressed a button on the sides of the gurney; it lowered itself to the ground next to Akashi. The third paramedic held the injured boy's head, while the other two carefully lifted the boy onto the gurney. The two strapped Akashi onto it so he couldn't move, brought the gurney back to its original height, and quickly wheeled him out of the gym.

      The third paramedic turned to the coach. "Sir, you're going to have to come with us to answer some questions about his condition." The coach nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation, and followed the man to the waiting ambulance outside.

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