bonus ; 一

523 31 8

jihoon eyes fluttered open. he groaned as he felt the soft and fluffy padding he was lying on. jihoon was perplexed. he got up slowly, taking in his surroundings. where was he?

all he could see was the sky.

jihoon got up and looked at the ground beneath him. clouds? he was standing on clouds? jihoon bent down and poked the cloud. his finger went through. that made jihoon even more confused.

jihoon looked around. there was nothing around except for a gate which was a few metres away. jihoon curiously walked towards the gate as he squinted his eyes and his furrowed his eyebrows.

there was a banner above the gate and the words 'welcome!' was written on the banner. as jihoon was nearing the gate, he could hear faint kazoo sounds. jihoon was now more confused than ever before.

jihoon stopped in front of the gate. from afar, the gate looked small but now that jihoon was in front of it, it was pretty big. the gate was about ten metres high.

"hello!" jihoon jumped as a voice exclaimed. jihoon looked at where the voice came from.

there was a large thick book on a white pedestal right in front of the gate. behind the pedestal was a man. he had a cross as a necklass and he was quite tall, taller than jihoon of course.

"welcome to front gates of heaven! i'm joshua! you can call me jisoo though! what's your name?" the man asked.

"l-lee jihoon,"

"ah! lee jihoon, boyfriend of kwon soonyoung. oh? you're soonyoung's boyfriend?" jisoo asked surprised as he read off the book on the pedestal.

"yes! i'm soonyoung's boyfriend!" jihoon smiled. a million thoughts were running through his head. i-is soonyoung here? his soonyoungie?

"ah! it's so nice to meet you! soonyoung's very funny and cheerful too! but he can get quite annoying," jisoo mumbled at the last part.

"where's soonyoung?" jihoon questioned excited. he needed to see his soonyoungie. now.

he needed to apologise. he wanted to pinch soonyoung's cheeks and hug him so tightly until he can't breathe. he wanted to kiss his cheek and his thick and plum lips. jihoon missed his smell, his voice, his face and his everything.

"i'll bring you to him! follow me!" jisoo grinned as he closed the heavy thick book on the pedestal. jihoon followed closely behind jisoo as they entered the front gates of heaven.

jihoon looked around. there were small houses around and he was walking on a path. there were small kids running around playing 'catching' as their laughter sounded. jihoon couldn't stop smiling. he was going to see his soonyoungie again.

as they walked further, jihoon could hear the faint kazooing in the distance get louder. jihoon squinted his eyes. he could see four different figures in the distant. two of them were tall, one slightly taller than the other. the other two had kazoos in their mouth.

as jihoon and jisoo got closer, jihoon realised one of the figures looked super familiar. that height. that hair. that face shape. that laugh.

that person.

jihoon couldn't believe it.

i-it was kwon soonyoung.

jihoon gasped and his eyes widened. he started running towards him.

"soonyoungie!" jihoon threw himself onto soonyoung. soonyoung stood rooted to the ground flabbergasted.

"j-jihoonie? jihoonie!" soonyoung gasped as he hugged jihoon tightly.

"i'm sorry, jihoon! i shouldn't have left you all alone!" soonyoung felt his eyes water as he pulled away.

"no! i should be the one saying sorry! i shouldn't have said and done all those things that made you do it! i'm so so sorry soonyoung! will you forgive me?" jihoon looked into soonyoung's eyes and apologised as his cheeks started getting wet from his tears.

"of course! i missed you so much!" soonyoung smiled and hugged jihoon again. jihoon put his arms around soonyoung and he grinned widely.

"i missed you so so so much, you have no idea!" jihoon buried his head in soonyoung's crook and mumbled. soonyoung chuckled at jihoon's cuteness and kissed jihoon's forehead.

when they finally pulled away, soonyoung introduced the three other guys he was hanging out with.

"this is wonwoo and mingyu! they just started dating seven months ago but got into a car accident which resulted them here." soonyoung gestured towards the two tall boys.

they smiled and waved to jihoon, "soonyoung has told us about you!" jihoon blushed and nodded.

"wow, you look shorter than what soonyoung explained." the taller one, supposedly mingyu, snorted. jihoon raised an eyebrow and glared at him. soonyoung chuckled at jihoon's cuteness.

"this is seokmin! he taught me how to play the kazoo! it's actually really easy!" soonyoung put his kazoo in his mouth and played a simple tune as seokmin joined him. jihoon giggled.

they were finally together.

happy and together.

they had each other now.

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