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jihoon woke up. he found himself on the floor. his rubbed his eyes and got up. his face was tear-stained and then he remembered what happened. he must have fell asleep on the floor.

jihoon got up and went to wash up. jihoon decided to drive to the beach to enjoy some fresh air and scenery and to calm himself down a little. he needed to clear his head of thoughts.

jihoon put on a white tee and a pair of white jeans as he grabbed his car keys, his phone and his wallet which were conveniently placed on the dining table.

jihoon unlocked the car door and sat in the driver's seat. he turned on the engine and started warming up the car. his eyes wondered around the car as he waited for the car to finish warming up.

he remembered soonyoung had bought the car for his twentieth birthday. he smiled bitterly. the green light popped up and jihoon started the car, driving towards the beach.

soon jihoon met with a red light, jihoon stopped the car. he looked out of the window and noticed that it was that street.

that street.

he remembered again.

jihoon was driving the car as soonyoung sat in the passenger's seat while looking at a food brochure of their friends', wonwoo and mingyu, new restaurant. they were going out for lunch and soonyoung was figuring out what to eat.

"jihoonie~ do you want spaghetti? there's many different varieties of spaghetti! which would you like? there's..." soonyoung rambled on and on.

"oh! there's fish and chips and chicken cutlet too! jihoonie, you like them both right?" soonyoung turned to jihoon.

jihoon was annoyed. his lips were pursed and his eyebrows furrowed. soonyoung noticed that and worriedly asked, "jihoonie? are you okay?"

jihoon just rolled his eyes and replied with a soft 'i'm fine'. soonyoung was not convinced.

"are you sure?" soonyoung held jihoon's free hand and squeezed it.

"yes! now stop asking! i'm trying to drive! you're too loud i can't concentrate! could you please shut up?" jihoon retracted his hand and put it on the steering wheel.

"o-oh. sorry, jihoonie," soonyoung stammered. the car ride to the restaurant was silent. the silence continued until they finished eating and reached home.

jihoon didn't know soonyoung was sobbing in their shared bedroom.

if only he didn't take soonyoung's care and love for granted. if only jihoon loved soonyoung more. if only jihoon was more patient. if only jihoon was more kind. it wouldn't have happened.

the incident wouldn't have happened.

a/n: shet uH sorry i havent updated in so lONG SKDJKDJ school sucks skjdkd i procrastinate too much lsjdkd my tests are coming kjejdjdk im sO sORRY SKSJDJD heres an update kKSND

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