one. sunset glow

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C H A P T E R   O N E | S U N S E T   G L O W

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C H A P T E R   O N E | S U N S E T   G L O W

She walked down the silent street, her feet aching in discomfort. The sound of the distant car engines and traffic lights made her feel lonely, but she held a slight liking towards it. Sophie knew she would be home soon. Just a few blocks more and she would finally be able to remove her shoes and fall onto her sofa.

The cool air swirled around her lightly, causing her to slightly shiver at the cold sensation of the thin layer of sweat on her face being evaporated. Her jeans clung onto her legs like glue.

Her steps became lighter and more unsteady after each passing second, but she didn't stop. She continued and wanted to take some rest in the comfort of her own home.

The street was unusually messy, with litter every few metres here and there. There was also less people than usual. Sophie didn't have the energy to ponder about things like this so she carried on to her way home.

Ahead, she could see the small bridge. As she approached it, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she looked up at the golden luminous sky and became immersed into the beauty of the natural view. The clouds were different tones of pinks and purples, and they reflected the soft colours of the sunset. Her feet stopped automatically and she turned her whole body to face the beautiful scenery. The corners of her lips turned upwards and her eyes lit up. She loved watching the sunset and it always made her feel warm inside no matter which state she was in.

She spent a few good minutes just watching the sun dip down into the horizon until she snapped back into reality and realised she needed to get home soon. Shaking her head, she began walking down the bridge again. She noticed more people along the way, they seemed quite distant and untraceable to her though. Her mind was focused on her busy plans for when she could arrive home.

Finally, she was in front of the tall apartment complex. She huffed a sigh and prepared herself for the long flight of stairs. This morning, the elevators were out of order and announced to be under maintenance until later.

The cool breeze from the air conditioning brushed past her as she walked through the glass sliding doors at the entrance. She felt relieved as it helped with the sweat covering her body. As she walked, she passed by a few people, who were chatting away with their acquaintances.

She went upstairs, one flight of stairs at a time. By the time she reached the top floor, her thighs were burning and she almost fell over her own feet. The stiffness in her knees made it more difficult for her to walk but her door was just a few metres away and she finally stood in front of it after a minute of great effort. Pulling the keys out of her bag, she desperately unlocked the door and entered into the comfort of her own home.

When she closed the door, she trudged through and threw her bag onto the ground before collapsing onto the sofa. Minutes passed by until she decided to get back up again, but this time, to reach for the tv remote control. She sighed out of boredom while waiting for the tv to start and then lay back down onto her back.

She closed her eyes and started to think about her goals for the evening. That was the moment when her ears heard something which caught her attention in an instant. She opened her eyes widely and sat up as fast as she could, focusing only on the tv.

Tonight, there will be meteor showers and you can view the shooting stars from the comfort of your own home while you enjoy your supper or just before you go to sleep. There'll be more updates shortly, stay tuned and continue watching!❞ The female news reporter spoke in delight.

Sophie's eyes lit up with full energy and she stood up immediately to freshen up and prepare for her newly planned visit to the local park.

After half an hour, she stepped outside her apartment in her oversized grey hoodie and black leggings. Her feet were read to walk to the park, in her adidas sneakers she loved most dearly.


so, this is the first chapter ! i know, it was kind of boring and not much happened but i'm pretty bad with the beginning of stories 🤧 i'm trying my best to write as best as i can here. thank you for all the support! i am hoping that chapter 2 can be posted by monday, i'm hoping!

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