Chapter 3 Holiday

Start from the beginning

“Go for the chicken ramen, it's the best” Akira said. I nodded for her to order it for me, since I had no idea how this kind of things work.

“Two chicken ramen please!” She shouted

“Akira-chan is nice seeing you.” The man dressed in a white yukata greeted her

“It's nice seeing you too, uncle. How have you been?” was he her relative?

“I've been fine, you know how repeating my life is” the man laughed. I stopped listening to their conversation as I thought that was their privacy. Instead I took time to look around the area. Everything was decorated with new year decorations. The atmosphere was filled with happiness, I wonder… if am I ever going to feel this happiness again? What is happiness for me anyways?

“Karin! Karin!” Someone broke through my thoughts.

“Huh?” I looked at Akira as she looked at me with concerned eyes.

“Are you sure you are ok? You were spacing out. I called you many times and you weren't responding”

“Huh… ah yeah I'm fine, really” I said awkwardly.

“Are you absolutely sure? We can go back if you want to”

“No! It's one really. I think I'm just a little tired.”

“alright, but if you want to go just tell me ok?”

When the food came we ate quietly. Akira was right. This was wonderful.

“I'm sorry Akira but I really have to go, I'm sure they are asking where I am now” I said, the sky has already darkened. And we haven't done anything at all.

“Ops, I'm sorry about that. Alright let's go” she said goodbye to her uncle and she left two coins.

“Who was that?”

“That's Sataro, he was the one who looked after me when I arrived at the 1st district. He's basically a father to me” she said.

“I see… it's cool to have family isn't it?” I asked. Even though technically I had a family but I didn't know them that well to actually consider them family. Even thought for some strange reason I felt a strong sibling connection with Ichigo, it might be because between everyone in that house. He was the closest to me.

“But you have the Shibas as your family.”

“Technically they are. But I'm not so close to them to consider them actual family you know. Maybe someday in the future they'll become my family. I abandoned the people I considered my family. I don't even know if they are ok” I had always wondered whether they are ok or not. But I couldn't go back.

“I'm sure you'll get used to them soon. I think they are very nice people” she said. I nodded

“yeah, they are nice people. It's just me”

“Hey Karin where are we?” Akira's change of voice caused me to look around.

“This is not where we are supposed to go. This part of the Rukongai is very dangerous”

“Really? What should we do?”

“Just use any kido spell you know it's fine, if anyone came to you. Don't worry about it. I have a zanpakuto. And to be honest with you. I'm used to dealing with this kind of situations. Aren't you?”

“Yeah, I guess. But I was the one who take care of the kids living with me. I wasn't the one going out looking for food.”

“Alright, but either ways. You should know that being a shinigami means that you have to face things a lot worse than this. Keep going and act normal. Someone is following us” I whispered the last part to her. “I know, I know. You don't have to repeat that”

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