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Is anybody getting this?

Yeah. I bet you're all wondering if I got out. And no, I didn't.

A majority of things went wrong, with my very stupidly thought out plan.What did work though was getting all the prisoners to riot. They're a bit of a crazy crowd so it wasn't hard. I just had to promise them violence, fun and pain. So yeah.

I mean, not all of them were up to it at first, but the larger, muscular, scarier and crazier dudes kept egging everyone on, so then, I had an army to fight back. Not a good army, not a coordinated army, but an army.So, a week ago, it happened.

2 human guards were patrolling the canteen and, when their backs were turned, got knocked out. They didn't have a time to even fight back. It was just a mass of crazy, angry prisoners attacking. Then, of course, the alarm started ringing. I'm guessing the guys in charge of watching the cameras saw what happened. Guards started coming in with batons raised, and, well, didn't last long.

I snuck out, with a guard's baton, and went to the generator room. It took a while, but I found it in the end. With a few hits from the baton, the door splintered, splintered so loudly that I knew that someone would have heard, no matter how loud the riot in the canteen was going on. So as quickly as I could, with the trusty baton that I stole, I destroyed the generator. Just a bit.

Because, well, if I really smashed it to bits, kaboom.Yeah. Don't want that.I broke it just enough to go offline. So that it would switch to the backup one.I rushed out of the room, squeezing past electric doors as they close. The first stage was easy. I almost believed I could escape. Wishful thinking, because I knew truly that this plan would ultimately fail.

Then, the robots. They had gone offline, but they had rebooted faster than I would have thought. Because when I went through the door, their eyes were gleaming blue, guns poised and ready to fire. I couldn't go back, if I did, then the electric door would close on me and my gate to the outside would be closed.

So there I was.


I had to overpower robots that were built to be better than prisoners. They fired and I ran. I ran past them and smashed through a glass door. I was out. And about to flicker out of consciousness. They hit me with about six darts of tranquilliser. But I just had to make it out the main door and off the stretching driveway and I'll be out, out of the Crypt and on my way to freedom.

It didn't exactly pan out that way. As soon as I took a couple of steps, I passed out, the tranqs taking a toll on my system.

I woke up, in solitaire. That was understandable. After all, I had just started a riot involving all the prisoners, broke a really bloody expensive generator and tried to break out.

I was there for about four days. They took me out in the end, to a really obscure part of the prison. Inside were two men, most likely government agents, due to the suits and the way they stared at me like I was trash that needed to be thrown out.

They talked to me. Told me why I was in here. Not why I was hunted though. They told me some bullshit about breaking the laws of the government. Then it started getting more serious. They told me of resourcefulness and asked me if I would like to join them and in return I would be released. I'm not even bullshitting, that's what they asked me. Join the organisation that killed my only friends, covered it up, killed Thomas's dad, tried to kill me, released an animal after me, sent killers after me, sent the military after me and sent me to jail.They wanted me to join them. I could be free again. But that's not the way things went.

Fuck you

That's what I said to them.

Fuck you and your government. You just tried to murder me countless times. There isn't any way in hell that I'll even think of helping you do the same to any poor sap who's life you decide to ruin.

They smiled.

Send us a postcard from the other side of Hell's Gate then, will you?

Then they left, the door swinging after them. I didn't move for a while. This was it. I know I said it before, but, I just felt like I received my death sentence.

Hell's Gate. The worst were thrown there.

Hell's Gate. The worst monsters were there. No one ever came back.

They put me in solitaire for a couple of more days. How many days, I don't know. It as a blur. Knowing that I'll die is so much less than knowing when I'll die.I thought about all the things I didn't do in life. I didn't graduate. I didn't have a job. I didn't have sex. I didn't have any children or family. No wife to love and come home to. I didn't even have any friends alive. I didn't get to grow old, breathing my last breath with a ring of grandchildren around me.

I got a day left. It's tomorrow.

Thanks for reading. I'm sorry it had to end this way. I know you wanted to hear a story where a hero, big and bright, destroy the corrupt and save the poor.

Look at that. I'm crying now.

But I'm guessing, this isn't that kind of story. When the three Fates weaved my tale, a heroes ending wasn't what they gave me.

Thanks for reading.

I hope you understand.

My transmission time is up. I have to go.

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