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Is anybody getting this?

If someone...anyone is getting this, thank god. If no one is reading this, it was expected.  This kind of technology is outdated anyways and I doubt anyone will still be using it. But it was the only kind of media that has been long forgotten by the government, maybe even forgotten about by everyone.

Even if nobody is there, let this serve as an inside knowledge of what is really happening in Link City. It isn't what it seems. Evil runs rampant under the beautiful city streets. Monsters of unimaginable features lurk everywhere. Corruption entwines itself with everything that seems good. Sure there are good people, but those with honesty in their soul are spread wide and thin. Just to be clear, I am not one of the good people. But I am also not corrupt or evil.  I'm just trying to survive.

But if someone is there, please send rescue. Call me...Text. Text Edit. After all, all I am is a bunch of text.

My transmission time is up. I have to go.

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