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Is anybody getting this?

I'm finally out of that dumpster. I'm pretty sure the monster is far away. I haven't smelled fresh air for so long, I almost forgot how nice it is. The breeze on my back, the scent of Barney's Bakery making their delicious sweet buns and the warmth of the sun.

I've been thinking, who would want to kill the kind Thomas, the supportive Justin and the generous Steve? And why? I remembered that they're an only child in their family, a rarity in Link City. So maybe they were killed in revenge, and as they are the only child, it would be a devastating blow to their families.

And I can discount the possibility of the monster killing them because it was a monster. As I said before, that monster was out to get us. There is no way that a monster of such ferocity would eviscerate my only friends in the whole world and then hunt me through Blue Park and Lexing Square. Me! A commoner! With no wealth and powerful families to speak of! The only way I got into The University was because of my ingenious engineering of gadgets and my impressive biology knowledge of our animals and beyond. That was the only way I could get a scholarship. The only way to finally get the new life I wanted, away from the smoke and fire of the Old World.

No. No rambling. Concentrate.


Maybe the monster was sent to kill Thomas, Justin and Steve to punish the families.

Oh why am I getting myself tangled in this mess? Why and a million other whys! Why did I determined to come here in this godforsaken city? Why wasn't I content with living and dying where I was born? Why didn't I listen to my family? Why didn't I say no when my sister asked to come with? Why did I tell her my dreams of going to The University to get a new life? Why did my sister have to rob that bank? Why did my she have to die? Why did I go that interview? Why did I say 'Hi' to Thomas, Steve and Justin? Why did they become my greatest and only friends? Why did they die?

Why am I alone?

Okay no. I have to do this. For them. For my greatest and only friends I ever had in this world. Why they were murdered. Why there remains were scooped up and dumped into three different coffins. Why what was left of them was so bloody and horrible that they could not be identified, so the pieces were divided into three and sent home in a box to their families. May God have mercy on their families and them.

That low growl of the monster still haunts my sleep. No matter how short or light I sleep, I hear the same guttural cry of he beast as it closes in on me. The cry of the beast when it pounced on me from 20 strides and attacked me with ferocious abandon, his claws bruising me but unable to penetrate my armoured clothes. My face wasn't covered and I have a long scar where I slipped backwards and it's claws just managed to rake my face diagonally. If I had not slipped thank the good lord above the claws would have surely sliced my head in two.

I managed to zap the bastard. The energy raced through it, thoroughly shocking it. I was awed and terrified. The blast could melt through iron like it was paper, but all it had done was stun it. Incredible.

I raced through the pitch dark and empty park. As fast as I could. And without thinking I threw myself in a dumpster, hoping the obscurity of the cart was enough to hide from the monster.

As I regained my senses and after throwing up a bit, I realised that the dumpster was the safest and most dangerous place to hide in. The smell masked my scent, which the monster could clearly track, but the microbes living would kill me as well, with my head being cut and all.

The way that monster hunted and attacked was......strange. And the way it growled before it pounced. I've heard it before.

I need to get close again with that beast to find out more

My transmission time is up. I have to go

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