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Is anybody getting this?

Well. This is it. This is really it. They're outside. Closing in. I'm outta ammo. I guess...I guess I could throw it at them. But no. This gun is too precious to throw.

I could use my hands, take off my gloves and use my hands. But that's too risky.


I can hear their rumbling of the vehicles, the heavy thuds of their boots on gravel. It's getting louder. I have to make this fast. If, if you don't hear from me, they probably have killed me. 

Remember the code?

E17, 3000 SN 2000 SE

Yeah. Still fucking haven't figured it out. Oh god. Possibly last few moments of my life, and I'm just here typing on a keyboard, talking to someone I'll never see and who'll never talk back. If you did talk back, I'm sorry, but I couldn't hear you. The signal sent was probably blocked.



Last few minutes. Remember at the start? When I said for this to be proof of what really happens in Link City?

Yeah. You want to know how I got myself into this mess? Trapped like a mouse, just waiting for the cats to finish me off?

Thought you would.

A really simple trap, really. But ingenious. My ankles realigned and were healing. I could run without them aching, but they were delicate. If I accidentally fell on my ankle, pain shot up my leg. I was in a cafe, keeping my head low, wary of other assassins or sadists recently released from the Crypt and sent to take my head.

The coffee I ordered came, all black. Gotta stay awake. Then, as I was sipping the bitterness, I had a sensation of being watched. Sweat trickled my chest. A bee buzzed right in front of me and I jerked back. A shot the pierced the air went through my coffee cup dig itself through the table. 

Laser rifle


There, on the roof. Not another bloody one. People who sat in the afternoon sun started screaming and running, as the sniper took aim again. I went running to the side, trying to go with the masses. Another shot, the laser bolt going through a man, then hitting me in my side. I went sprawling onto the ground, the laser not penetrating but punching the wind out of me. I checked my shirt. The Tnamium threads were weakened and they wouldn't stand another shot. I flipped a table on its side and crouched behind it. Another bolt went through the table, sizzling away an inch from my leg.

He fired again, this time coming as close burning off the hair on my arm. I moved, running to the left, off Wildem Street and onto St Andreas Lane. A cough of machinery and then an armoured jeep rolled in front of me.

I stopped, and turned around. The sniper took another shot and it hit the pavement.

After going through my left arm.

Getting shot with a laser weapon is so much more painful then lead and gunpowder. For one thing, the laser is really fucking hot and when it goes through skin it burns it. It's excruciating. I twisted and stumbled, turned around just enough to realise the jeep behind had a gun.

And it was aimed right at me. The gunner opened fire, and lasers ripped up the cafe tables and chairs. I made it behind a corner before that, and the gun chipped the corner I was hiding behind. Fucking hell, they have the whole military after me.

I ran back the way I came from, and ducked a shot from the sniper, and jumped behind a table as the gunner incinerated the spot I just was standing in.

There was an alleyway a bit further away, a few metres or so. I needed to get there before the second jeep pulled out it's gun and kills me.


A break in the firing. I sprinted, keeping my head low and slid into the alley.I vaulted a fence and kept running. Then I heard another vehicle approach. Men came out, probably soldiers. I pulled out my ray gun and edged slowly forward. Three men appeared around the corner and I fired, killing one. Fired again and hitting one in the stomach. I don't know if he's alive or dead.

The soldier lunged back behind the corner and fired back. As I fired back, I heard another rumble of an engine.

More soldiers

I broke off, running back the way I came. A door was open. I rushed inside, not considering why the door was open.

Very, very stupid of me, I know.

Shit they're inside. I don't have much time

Inside the worn down building was nothing. Just stairs and no furniture.

Then I knew it was a trap.

I ran back outside but as soon as my face was outside, laser bolts started hitting the doorframe. I ducked back inside and went up the stairs. There was a window looking over the alleyway. Naturally I went over to it and, with my ray gun, started firing at the soldiers I could see. I killed about a dozen before they took cover and retreated.

My ray cells were almost empty by then. They came back, with more men. I shot and shot, till my gun could shoot no more and I was a sitting duck.

Shit they're coming up the stairs. I think I have one more charge in this gun.

Fuck you.


I'm sorry.

My transmission time is up. I have to go.

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