Milkshakes - Part Two

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Warnings: Profanity

Word Count: 1832

Author's Note: This was requested by @maccat123! You can read part one a few posts back! Sorry it took a little while to get to!

"No," your mom said, her mouth forming a straight line. "You're not going out."

"Please, Mom," you begged.

"You saw him last night. I think you can go a day without seeing him."


You spun on your heel and went stomping towards the stairs. Of course, this tirade only lasted a few moments before your mom had another comment to make.

"What is that in your pocket?" she asked.

You practically felt the color drain from your face. All morning you had done such a good job of keeping your phone hidden away so that she wouldn't be reminded of the punishment you had received. Just this once it had slipped your mind, and of course she noticed immediately.

"Nothing," you spun around, hoping you could make up a lie quick enough.

"Is that your phone? You know you're not supposed to have it."

"It's not my phone."

"Hand it over," she held out a hand and you knew it was over.

You sighed as you pulled your phone out of your pocket and placed it in her outstretched hand. She smiled as she crossed her arms, prompting you to go stomping all the way back to your room.

"Now what?" you grumbled to nobody in particular as you shut your bedroom door.

Percy watched you as you paced around the room, trying to think of a way that you could sneak out to see Tyler and avoid getting caught. It would be difficult, but if you played your cards right it wasn't impossible.

You continued to walk the length of your room, practicing the conversation outloud to yourself. By the time that you were heading to confront your Mom, you had prepared answers for every possible question that she could throw at you.

"Hey, Mom," you said, pulling the sweetest smile that you could muster.

"Yes, dear?" she said without a glance up from her book.

"I was wondering if I could bike over to the library to work on a school project?"

"Why do you need to go to the library to do that?"

"It's a quiet environment," you shrugged.

"Do you hear that?" your mom asked.

"Hear what?"

"Exactly. It's quiet enough here for you to work."

Well you certainly hadn't anticipated that one.

"I'll focus better."

"The library won't always be an option, Y/N. You need to learn to focus wherever you are."

An idea suddenly popped into your head.

"Ok, but can you promise that you won't bother me at all while I'm working? And I mean at all. When I get in the groove, I don't want to lose it."

"Fine, you have my word that unless there's an emergency, I will not bother you."

"Thanks," you smiled, walking over and giving her a quick hug. "I'll make sure to come down for dinner at six."

She gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then you took off upstairs. There was no time to waste, you wanted to be able to spend as much time with Tyler as humanly possible.

Tyler Joseph x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon