December: Part Two

579 27 97

Pairing: Previous Tyler Joseph x Reader, Unnamed OMC x Reader

Warnings: Angst, mentions of breakup, mentions of anxiety & self-deprecation

Word Count: 1720

Author's Note: Make sure to read part one before reading this part! Other than that, I don't really have much to say besides I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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You hung your jacket up in the closet and collapsed down onto the couch. Pudge immediately hopped over and made himself comfortable on your stomach, which you didn't mind. There were worse things in the world than having a cat sit on your stomach after a long day at work.

"Honey? Is that you?" your boyfriend called from the bedroom.

"Yeah, it's me."

Footsteps echoed in the hallway as your boyfriend walked out to greet you. He placed a quick kiss on your forehead before taking a seat by your knees.

"How was work?"


"Anything exciting happen?"


He lightly rubbed your thigh and then stood back up. You hated to admit it, but your feelings towards him had changed ever since the voicemail from Tyler a few weeks ago. Something about hearing him say he loved you had flipped a switch in you, although you weren't entirely sure what it had done.

You scratched at Pudge's ears while you stared up at the ceiling. Maybe giving him a call wouldn't be such a bad idea. After all, you had ended things abruptly with no explanation. It's not like you had wanted to, but how were you supposed to explain that you never felt good enough? It just seemed so silly when you said it out loud.

The thoughts started to get overwhelming, so you stood up and grabbed a soda from the refrigerator. Your boyfriend would probably want to spend some time with you, so you decided to join him in your bedroom. He would probably be working on some spreadsheet for work, anyway.

"Hey," you said as you stepped through the door.

"Coming to hang with me?"

He spun around in his chair so that he was facing you and smiled. You felt bad that you had been doubting your relationship so much lately. Must be a bad habit of yours.

"I am."

"Perfect. Now I've got my beautiful girlfriend, some great tunes, and our adorable cat to help me through making this spreadsheet."

You nodded and took a seat on the edge of the bed. The radio was playing softly in the background--your boyfriend always insisted on listening to actual radio stations rather than your Spotify--and you found yourself bobbing your head along. Something about it seemed oddly familiar.

I was looking out our window

Watching all the cars go

Wondering if I'll see Chicago

Or a sunset on the West Coast

"Did you catch who this is by?" you asked.

"I don't think they said, but it's called December, I think."

December. That seemed like an odd name for a song.

I hope you get your ballroom floor

Your perfect house with rose red doors

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now