The Letter

334 11 25

Pairing: high school!Tyler Joseph x Reader

Warnings: Profanity, sibling arguments, angst

Word Count: 2034

Request: maybe can you write a oneshot of how it would've turned out if Y/N had confessed to Tyler with the letter she wrote for him in highschool? Maybe just an idea for the future :)

Author's Note: This one shot is based on Rose Colored Boy, but is sort of an alternate universe! It was really fun to imagine what would have happened differently and I hope you enjoy it too :)

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Your POV

Your pencil scratched against the paper of your notebook as you sat hunched over your desk, writing out a list of reasons why you liked Tyler. After multiple failed attempts at telling him how you felt yourself, you had finally decided to put it all down in a letter for him to read. Whether or not you would actually give it to him was still undecided, but at least it was giving you an outlet for your feelings. Keeping them bottled up inside wasn't doing you any favors.

You finished the last point and looked over your letter. Despite your comprehensive list of reasons why you thought Tyler was the best guy in the world, something about the letter still felt incomplete. There needed to be something at the end, some kind of resolution to all of it. After taking a moment to think, and doodling some flowers in the margins of your notebook, you started the last paragraph.

So, Tyler, that's why I have a crush on you. I know we agreed that we would always be friends, but unfortunately you're too cool and I ended up having feelings for you.

Was that stupid? Too forceful? A breach of trust?

No, they were just your feelings. You took a deep breath and kept going.

Even if you don't return them, hopefully this doesn't ruin our friendship and we can just pretend this never happened.

"What are you writing?"

"Carter!" you screeched, throwing your arms over the letter to cover it. "What the hell?"

"Hey, language," he frowned.

"What are you doing in here? You're not supposed to come in without permission!"

"Mom wanted me to tell you dinner is ready."

"I'll be down in a little bit."

"Have to finish your love letter first?" Carter smiled.

"It is not a love letter."

"Then let me see it."


"So it is a love letter?"

"Is not! Leave me alone!"

You moved to shove him away, but Carter wasn't one to miss an opportunity. He reached around you and snatched the notebook off your desk. You were on your feet immediately, grabbing at Carter's arms and kneeing him to try and get him to give it back, but he was unconcerned.

"Number one: good at basketball. Basketball? Is this about Joseph?"

"Shut up!" you yelled. Your eyes were brimmed with tears from the embarrassment.

"Number two: fluffy hair. I didn't know you were into that, Y/N."


"Number three: pretty eyes. Aw, that's sweet."

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now