
978 25 114

Warnings: Angst, lots of cliches (in the best way possible)

Word Count: 1368

You stood in the middle of the living room, watching as dozens of faces you didn't recognize wandered around the unfamiliar room. Tyler had disappeared a long time ago, but you were starting to grow tired and impatient with the half-sober people around you, so you decided it was long past time you seek him out.

It wasn't like you had wanted to go to this party, but Tyler insisted because it had been awhile since you two actually went out to a big social event. You, never one to give up time spent with Tyler, had said yes almost instantly. The decision was one you had come to regret.

Rain pounded on the windows as you walked down a hallway, searching for where Tyler could possibly be. The house wasn't that large and the bad weather had forced everyone inside, leaving you barely enough room to stand without bumping elbows with someone. It made seeking out a particular individual--in your case, Tyler--especially hard.

You eventually heard his voice carrying from another room. Normally you would have walked straight in, announced that you wanted to leave, and called it good. Only this time, the mention of your name caught your attention, leaving you frozen in place just outside the room that the group was in.

"Y/N?" you heard Tyler say. "Are we a couple?"

You felt your heart rate jump at the mention of you two being a couple. It wasn't a new concept, people had been speculating that you two were "a thing" for just about as long as you had been friends. Your relationship had never been anything more than friends, though, no matter how badly you may have wanted it to be.

"No," he laughed, easily brushing the question off. "We're just friends. You guys know that."

Your heart sank a bit at his answer, although you hadn't really expected anything different. Tyler wasn't one to confess his feelings to a big group, especially at a party with drunk people who would go around repeating anything they heard.

"Would you ever consider it?"

You took a deep breath to calm the sudden increase in your heart rate once again. Your feet subconsciously brought you a little closer to the room, eager to hear whatever answer Tyler might give. Just a few inches further and your position would no longer be hidden.

Rather than an answer, Tyler simply broke out into a fit of laughter. A few of the other people in the room joined in, although you couldn't quite be sure why. Maybe it was simply the alcohol talking.

"No, I would never," he said once the laughter died down. "Y/N is nothing more than a friend to me."

You leaned forward a bit more, just to check that it was actually Tyler's mouth that those words were coming from. Sure enough, he was still laughing a bit as he brought his cup--full of only water, neither of you were really big on drinking--to his lips. He must have noticed the movement, because his eyes locked to you in an instant. Suddenly feeling very embarrassed, you turned and began to push your way through the crowd of people.

Your legs were automatically carrying you through the house to the front door. Tyler was the one who had given you a ride, but there was no way you would be getting in a car with him anytime soon. Not after the way he had laughed at the mere idea of you two being anything more than friends.

"Y/N!" Tyler's voice barely carried over the sound of drunk conversations.

You kept pushing past people, throwing out muttered apologies as you bumped into them harder than you had intended. Your mind was on one thing and one thing only: getting the hell out of there.

"Hey!" he called after you again, but you ignored it. You didn't even want to look at him right now.

The rain was still pouring down as you stepped outside. With a sigh, you pulled up your hood and started down the driveway. Your socks became soaked in an instant through the thin soles of your shoes, but you didn't mind as long as it meant putting more distance between you and Tyler.

You could hear the front door opening again before you had even made it to the end of the driveway. Your legs were moving as fast as they could, only serving to splash more water up onto the ends of your jeans. Behind you, you could hear Tyler splashing through puddles as he tried to catch up to you.

"Y/N, please. Can we just talk about this?"

You finally stopped walking and turned to face him. He was standing at the end of the driveway, a solid ten or so feet away from you. His hair had already fallen flat from the rain.

"What is there to talk about?" you shrugged.

"I didn't mean what I said."

You watched as he pushed his soaking wet hair back from his face.

"Then what did you mean? Because it sure as hell sounded like you meant every word that came out of your mouth."

There was a lump beginning to form in your throat, but you swallowed it and blinked away the tears. Not that Tyler would have been able to tell, there was already enough water on your face.

"I just... I didn't want to tell those guys how I really felt. There was no way I was going to let them be the first ones to hear it."

"And how do you feel?"

Tyler slowly began to close the gap between you.

"I think you're the most amazing person to step foot on this planet. Everything about you is perfect, from your sense of humor to those same dirty shoes that you wear no matter what the occasion is. You give me the strength to keep going, even on my worst days. I don't know what I would do without you in my life."

He was only a foot away from you now, so close that you could see the water droplet hanging off the end of his nose. Everything about the way that he was looking at you indicated that what he was saying was genuine.

"Do you really mean that?"

"I promise."

He held up a pinky, and you couldn't help a smile at the childish gesture. You reached up and intertwined your pinky with his. The two of you stood there silently for a moment, listening to the rain with your pinkies intertwined.

Tyler finally dropped his pinky back to his side and looked at you, "Is it possible we feel the same?"

You bit down on your lip to keep from smiling too big, "I think that's very possible."

Tyler smiled and rested a hand on the side of your face. It was covered in water, but it hardly made a different on your already rain-covered face. He pulled you towards him until your lips met in the middle. Rain dripped from his hair onto your forehead, but it was far from the first thing on your mind.

Tyler finally pulled away, but he kept a hand on the side of your face. You didn't mind, it was far warmer than the rain that was still pouring down on the two of you.

"Why did you never tell me earlier?" you asked quietly.

"It's like what everybody says. I was terrified of losing you as a friend by bringing my feelings into the mix, so I just waited until the right moment."

"And this was the right moment, huh?" you laughed.

He shook his head, "Well, not really, but it did turn out pretty romantic."

"Yeah, I guess it did."

He gave you another quick kiss and then pulled his hand away from your face. Water immediately began to run down the spot where his hand had previously been.

"Now what do you say we get out of the rain and back to where it's warm and dry?"

"I can't say no to that."

He grabbed your hand and together the two of you went running through puddles back to the house.

Tyler Joseph x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now