why are you doing this to me?!?!?!

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"im srry but your son could not be saved"

"thank you" i whispered as i stood "may i see him one last time before u prep him for his funeral?"

"you may"

i went running in the room and i saw him covered in blood and i walked slowly in but then i saw alittle girl that looked exactly liek me standing in the corner.

"im only you when your younger im here to tell you to not give up hope and to not doing anything to harm yourself."

"oh uh thanks i guess"

"you have many things to learn"

"umm ok"

she started to dance and she danced around me as i stared down at my beautiful baby boy and i whisperd.

"good bye sam"

everyone else came in tears streaming down there face. ivy came and hugged me and i hugged her back.

"everyone may say good bye im done"

i walked out but drake and ryan both came out when they were done.

drake came and sat on my lap even though he was 12 and he huddle in my chest and cryed.

*10 months later*

i was helping drake with his algerbra when i got a call from the police.

"is this kristina, ryans wife?"

"yes why?

"im srry your husband was shot in a mugging"

"oh my god what hospital?!?!"

i rushed to it with drake and when we got there i wanted to see him but ivy was there and she was standing there tears streaming down her face with a blank look.

i was struggleing against doctors and alot of nurses who were trying to hold me back. i saw all thye blood and i just fell to the floor. i couldnt lose ryan too. i sat there i didnt even cry i just sat there and watched as i heard his heart monitor just stop his heart didnt even fight it just stoped. i let out a scream and thats when ivy looked at ryans dead body and to me. she just watched she looked liek she was thinking i dont think it has regeristerd in her mind that hes dead and gone. ive lost 2 people in less than a year we had only been married for 3 months........

the adventures of my life kristinas p.o.v as a teen mom (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now