Chapter Twenty-Six

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Warning: mention of abuse and rape

Jimin and Yoongi returned to the packhouse and there they saw Hoseok sitting on the couch in the livingroom. ''Hoseok! You're back!'' Jimin yelled and hugged Hoseok. Yoongi growled lowly as a warning. ''Did you find your mate?'' Hoseok smiled brightly as the sun and nodded. ''Who is it?''
''His name is Jackson and he's human like you and Jungkook.''
''J-jackson Wang?'' Jimin stuttered. Hoseok nodded.
''Yeah, how did you know?''
''Nothing.'' Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and made his way to their room, leaving Hoseok confused behind. Suddenly Jin and Namjoon entered the room. Jin was on Namjoon's back, complaining that his ass was hurting. ''Oh hi Hoseok.'' Namjoon said as soon as he noticed his delta. Hoseok just waved awkwardly, still embarrassed because of what he saw in the room. ''Don't act so awkward, it's not like you walked into the room while we were having sex.'' Hoseok and Jin both choked on their spit at Namjoon's boldness. Jin weakly slapped his shoulder. ''What?'' The other two men just shook their head so Namjoon just shrugged, making Jin shriek. ''You idiot! I'm on your back.'' Hoseok snickered at that and Namjoon immediatly apologised. ''Where are Yoongi and Jimin?'' Jin asked. Hoseok shrugged. ''And Jungkook and Taehyung.'' That made Hoseok smirk. ''Please for the sake of me, don't answer that. Your face says enough.'' Hoseok turned his face back to whatever show he was watching and the couple just made their way to the kitchen
''Oh Hoseok.'' Namjoon yelled from the kitchen. The delta didn't react as he knew that his alpha would continue anyway. ''What did you want to tell me when you entered our room?''
''Oh that.'' Hoseok bounced off the couch excited and ran into the kitchen. ''I found my mate!'' Namjoon turned around with the knife still in his hands as he was making a sandwich for Jin. Hoseok jumped back when his alpha almost stabbed him on accident. ''Who is your mate?''
''His name is Jackson and he's an human.'' Namjoon groaned.
''Not another human.'' Hoseok eyes turned a darker shade, warning his alpha not to talk about his mate like that. ''You better make sure that he won't reveal our secret when you tell him.'' Hoseok bowed his head slightly and showed his neck a sign of respect. ''Yes alpha.'' He whispered. ''But does that mean that I can visit him when I want?'' Namjoon nodded.
''Ofcourse, he's your mate. I can't keep you away from your mate.'' Hoseok's eyes went wide.
''Jin, I don't know what you did to Namjoon, but go on with what you're doing'' Jin blushed and nodded while watching Hoseok dash out of the room. Namjoon shook his head slightly and placed the sandwich in front of Jin. ''Here you go.'' Jin mumbled a small thanks. He slowly started eating the sandwich, deep in thought. ''Okay, what's bothering you?'' Namjoon said suddenly, scaring Jin. Jin looked down at his half eaten sandwich. You're fat. No one will care for an omega. Worthless piece of shit. Why are you so fat, we shouldn't give you so much food. ''Jin?'' Namjoon said with concern. He could feel the emotions of his mate and he could hear his thoughts, but he wanted Jin to tell it himself. ''A-am I fat?'' Jin asked uncertain of himself. What a stupid question, ofcourse he is. Namjoon took his mate in his arms. ''I don't know who told you that, but I will beat them up because it's not true. You're perfect the way you are and you shouldn't let the rest tell you different. I know I've been a jerk to omega's, but together we will make sure they will have a better life. You're going to be alpha male. Everyone will respect you and I'll make sure the omega's will be respected too. I will do everything to make you happy and show you that those people are so wrong about you. Everything about you is so perfect. And I will tell you everyday till the day you believe it yourself and even after that.'' Jin blushed a deep shade of red and happy tears rolled down his cheeks as he hugged his mate. Namjoon panicked when he saw Jin crying. ''Wait why are you crying?'' Jin laughed through his tears.
''They are happy tears, silly.'' Jin sobbed in Namjoon's arms. The alpha tried to stop his mate from crying.  
''You're so beautiful my little omega.'' Namjoon whispered in his ear and Jin curled into his arms and let himself being picked up in bridal style and brought to their room. In their room, Namjoon went to lay down on the bed and they spent their time cuddling.

''Okay, tell me what's wrong.'' Yoongi said to Jimin as Jimin kept on rambling about some stuff and played with his fingers. Yoongi knew that when he did that he was nervous about something. Jimin looked at him with big eyes and shook his head. ''Come on, I won't judge you.'' Again he shook his head. ''Why not?'' Jimin took a deep breath.
''Because you'll get mad.''
''I won't.''
''You will.''
''Come on Jimin, just tell me.'' Jimin mumbled a silent fine and tried to fight the tears that started to fall.
''W-well, I-I know that J-jackson is going to break Hoseok's heart.'' Jimin closed his eyes for a moment. ''Because h-he used to be my b-boyfriend.'' Yoongi's eyes turned a shade darker for a second, a shiver went down Jimin's spine when he saw his reaction. ''Jackson and I used to go to the same school and he was known to be the schools playboy. It was my first year at the school and somewhere in my first week I was labeled as nerd. I was so happy when the most popular boy from the school showed interest in me. One day he asked me to be his boyfriend and I gladly said yes.'' Yoongi growled softly. ''In the first two weeks he was really sweet to me.'' Jimin sighed at the memory, Jackson always took him out on a date and bought him presents or just cuddled with him. But of course the beautiful things soon came to an end. ''But then he started to change. He suddenly started to become abusive. First it were just words, but then it turned physical.'' Jimin took a deep shaky breath. ''And soon he started to cheat and even in the end h-he r-raped me.'' Jimin said and tears flowed down his cheeks, Yoongi immediatly took him in his arms. ''H-he t-tied me t-to the b-bed and t-that's where he r-raped me. H-he did it whenever h-he felt like it. H-he used me and it makes me feels so dirty.'' Jimin cried out loud in Yoongi's chest and Yoongi stroked his hair and told him sweet nothings in his ear, trying to calm him down. ''Know that you're perfect for me and to me. And I will always protect you from evil.'' Jimin smiled softly and cried till he he had no tears left. Exhausted, he let himself fall on the ground and Yoongi followed. Yoongi wrapped him in his arms and the two cuddled. ''I love you Yoongi.'' Jimin said softly. Yoongi's eyes went wide with shock.
''I-I love you too, Jimin.''

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