Chapter One

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The door banged against the wall. Everyone in the room got silent and looked at the one who just entered the room. With anger and frustration written on his face, walked Kim Namjoon to his seat. "What the hell is going on?! Why did someone interrupt me while I was torturing some of the disgusting rogues?!" No one dared to say word. Scared to be killed by his bare hands. "Tell me!" He pointed at some random man. A shiver went down the mans spine. "Some rogues are at the edge of the pack ground. They said they came in peace. We wanted to know what we should do." He looked at the people in the room and no one dared to look him in the eye. With much more then anger, he yelled: "You know god damn well what to do! Kill them! Kill them all!"
"B-but Alpha."
"One of them is a kid."
"Then you still know damn well what to do! So stop bothering me and do your fucking job." He walked to the man who asked him the question. The man took some steps back, till he hit the wall. "Don't ask me such a stupid question again or I will kill you with my bare hands. Understood?" The man looked at Namjoon with fear clearly written on his face. "Understood?!"
"Y-yes alpha."
"Good." Kim Namjoon turned around and walked back to the dungeon. But on his way back to the dungeon, someone stopped him. It was his bèta, Taehyung. Namjoon doesn't trust a lot of people, but Taehyung is one of the few he trusts. "What is it Tae?" He asked his bèta annoyed.
"Well, there is a problem with the omega."
"And the problem is?"
"The omega fell on the ground of exhausting and he's to weak to stand and go back to work."
"Lock him up in the dungeon. Or do I have to do that myself?"
"No alpha. I'll make sure he gets locked up." Namjoon saw a flash of regret on his face. He knew that Taehyung felt bad for every pack member who gets locked up. But they need to listen. If they don't listen, then they need to learn it the hard way. They need to know who's their leader. Namjoon continued his way to the dungeon. When he almost arrived at the dungeons, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw a guy on his knees, breathing heavingly and his eyes closed. One of the many guards was holding him by his elbow and threw him on the ground. "Alpha." He nodded and bowed. "Here's the omega."
"Did I told you to throw him to the ground?" Namjoon asked the guard without any emotions shown on his face. The guard shook his head. "Didn't think so. Lock him up in the cell with the silver bars. Nothing more. And don't you dare to inject him wolfbane. He's not an enemy. He's just an omega who needs to learn to keep doing his tasks even when he's so exhausted that he can't." The guard picked up the omega and brought him to the cell. As soon as the guard locked the omega up, Namjoon threw him into the wall. A hole was formed in the wall. "What the hell dude!" A growl was heard trough the whole dungeon. It wasn't just a normal growl or an angry growl. It was a furious growl from the most powerful alpha in the world. "Don't you dare to disrespect me!" Namjoon yelled.
"Why the hell did you throw me in the wall?!" The guard yelled. Another furious growl from Namjoon was heard. "Why? Well that's easy to explain." He said and punched the guard. A loud crack was heard and the guard screamed of pain. Namjoon just broke his cheekbone. "One. You're not a packmember. I don't know who sent you, but you're definitely not a packmember of mine." Namjoon grabbed him by the throat. "Two. You poisened one of my pack members with wolfsbane." The fake guard struggled for breath.
"You hurt your own pack members. But when someone else hurts them you get mad? I don't get that." The fake guard whispered under his breath.
"Yes, I beat up my pack members so they will learn to listen to me. But listen, I will never kill one of my pack members. How many times I threathen them with killing them. I will never do it. And I will never poisen one of my pack members." With those words, Namjoon snapped the, defenseless, guy's neck. He called his real guards to clean up the body.
With a sigh he walked to the omega in the cell. The omega was still breathing heavy and was laying on the floor. Namjoon took the omega's arm. He knew what to do when someone was poisened with wolfsbane. Namjoon digged his claws in the omega's arm. A scream escaped the lips of the omega. When he released his claws from the omega's arm, the omega started breathing normal and his arm was bleeding. Alpha Namjoon took care of the wound he created. "Tell me your name omega." He commanded.
"Kim Seokjin." Whispered the omega.
"OK Seokjin. Don't ever tell someone that I saved your life." Jin just nodded. "Your punishment will start tomorrow." Jin nodded again, pain still written on his face. Namjoon turned around and closed the cell door. He decided to go upstairs, to his office. He was so done with the omega and the random guy who thinks he can just enter Namjoon's territory and act like a guard. Namjoon knows all his pack members and he gets furious when someone tries to hurt them or to poisen them. With a sigh, Namjoon let himself fall on the chair and start to do some of the paperwork. As alpha, you don't only lead the pack. You have to do a lot of paperwork and organize everything. Sometimes the paperwork is so much that he falls asleep at his desk. With another sigh, Namjoon tried to concentrate on the papers. But his wolf was restless and wanted to run. In the end Namjoon gave up and shifted into his wolf and went on a run.

Jin was laying on the floor, hugging himself. He knew he was in deep trouble. He knew it the moment he fell on the ground of exhausting. He knew that he probably would get a harder punishment because he's the omega. Jin is used to people beating him up. Pack members use him as a punching bag. They like it because he's to weak to defend himself. Jin still feels the effect of the wolfsbane the guy injected in him. He hoped that the wolfsbane would kill him. But bad enough it didn't. He keeps asking himself why the alpha saved him. He's just a weak, defenseless, worthless omega. Alpha Namjoon wouldn't miss him if he died. But the alpha did save him. Why taking the effort to save a worthless omega? Does that mean the alpha isn't as bad as the stories say about him. The more Jin thought about it, the more tired he got and he ended up falling asleep on the cold floor.

A door slamming against the wall woke Jin up. As soon as he sat up straight, the room started to spin for a moment. After a few seconds the room stopped spinning. In front of the door of his cell stood a guard with a plate filled with food. He shove the plate to Jin. ''Eat. The alpha will arrive soon and start your punishment. As soon as the plate was in his reach, Jin started to eat. He was starving, because he hadn't eaten anything yesterday and the day before yesterday. Once he finished, the guard came back. But he was not alone. Behind him stood Alpha Namjoon with an evil grin on his face. ''Hope you ate well.'' The guard walked away and Namjoon entered his cell. ''Because your punishment will start now.''

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