Chapter Fourteen

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Namjoon woke up with Jin in his arms. Jin was trying to free himself from his grip, but he only tighten his grip. "Let go." Jin struggled even more.
"Namjoon, I swear to god, let go. I'm still mad at you for hurting that poor boy." Namjoon let go.
"I'm not going to have this discussion again."
"Well too bad." Namjoon was angered and left the room. Why couldn't Jin just understand how he felt about this and why couldn't he just understand his actions. Jin folded his arms and scoffed. The cowerd. He thought. Just leaving when things get too heated. Today he was going to pay a visit to the dungeon and help the poor boy.

Jimin woke up by Jungkook shaking him. "Wake up." Jimin answered with a groan. "Taehyung is going to be here any minute, so get your lazy ass out of the bed."
"He's your boyfriend not mine. Why should I get up."
"One, he is not my boyfrkend. Two, because we're going to make a plan to save Yoongi."
"I'm still not sure about the whole werewolf shit."
"Just get your ass out of the bed." Jungkook went back downstairs and at that same moment the bell rang. He opened and he was met with a worried face from Taehyung. "What's wrong." Jungkook asked while he let his mate in.
"I heard that Yoongi has been tortured. I shouldn't be suprised to be honest. We have to get him out of there and fast."
"I've got an idea, but my position as beta is on the line. Just like the fact that i'm a packmember. I might become rogue after this.'' Now it was Jungkook his turn to be worried. He didn't want him to risk his packlife. ''Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.'' Taehyung said as if reading Jungkook's thoughts. Taehyung hugged Jungkook and right that moment Jimin walked into the room. ''Did I interrupt something?'' They let go of eachother and shook their head. ''What are we going to do?'' Taehyung sighed and grabbed the wrist from both boys. ''We are going to pay a visit to my pack and visit the dungeon.'' Jimin's heart started to beat faster. Did he heard that right? A fucking dungeon? The two humans got dragged to the forest by the werewolf. In the forest they stopped. ''Where are we?'' Jimin asked when Taehyung walked away from them and hid behind a tree. ''Somewhere in the middle of the Woods.'' Taehyung casually answered. ''Don't run away.'' He said. Jimin looked at him confused. What did he mean by that. Suddenly the sound of bones breaking was heard. A horrified expression was seen on his face. In front of him stood a giant wolf. He stumbled back. ''Don't worry, Jiminie. He won't hurt you.'' Jungkook said as he went closer to the wolf. The wolf bowed a little and Jungkook petted him. The wolf end up lying on it's belly and he signed with his head to his back. ''Do you want us to sit on your back?'' The enormous wolf nodded it's head. Jungkook placed himself with hesitation on top of the wolf. Jimin just stared at the scene in front of him. There was no way he was going to sit on top on such a big wolf. ''Jimin, don't be scared. He won't hurt you.'' He just shook his head. ''Come on, if you want to see Yoongi, you don't have a choice.'' With a lot of hesitation he walked to the wolf and with the help of Jungkook he sat on top of it. The wolf immediatly stood up. What resulted in Jungkook and Jimin to let out a yelp They grabbed his pelt and the wolf started to sprint.

Soon they arrived at the territory. The wolf laid on it's belly again so the guys on his back could stand on the ground again. When they stood safely on the ground he shifted back to his human form and as fast as possible he put on his clothes, that were tied around his ankle. ''Let's go inside.'' Taehyung said and started walking towards the packhouse. Right at that moment his alpha stormed outside. But he didn't notice them. ''This way.'' He motioned to the humans to follow him. They soon came across a red door. Behind that door were the stairs that led them to the dungeon. Carefully he opened the door. ''Oh Jimin, I'm not sure if we can get him out of here today.'' Taehyung whispered. Jimin nodded slowly, not liking the idea one bit. The guys slowly went inside. Carefull not to make to much noise. At the end of the stairs you could hear screams. ''You filthy rogue!'' Followed by a scream of pain. Taehyung motioned to the guys to stay where they are and he walked inside. ''You can stop, I take it over from here.'' He said and his eyes locked with the eyes of a terrified Yoongi. ''Are you sure beta?'' The guard looked at him. ''Do you doubt me? Leave this cell!'' Taehyung raised his voice. The guard gulped and bowed showing his neck. He quickly ran away, leaving Taehyung behind with the whip in his hands. ''P-please, d-don't.'' Yoongi whispered weakly, his voice cracking at the end. Quickly he threw the whip away and freed Yoongi from the chains. Yoongi immediatly fell on the ground, his body to weak to keep him standing. Taehyung left the cell for a moment, just to come back with Jimin and Jungkook. Their eyes went big to see the state Yoongi was in. ''Yoongi!'' Jimin cried out and hugged him tightly, not really caring that he's soaked in blood. Yoongi groaned in pain. Jimin immediatly let him go and whispered a sorry. Suddenly footsteps were heard and the four boys froze. The footsteps came closer and closer to the cell they were in. Another guy came in their sight. He was holding a first-aid kit. Taehyung and him made eye contact. Taehyung let out his breath, he didn't know he was holding. It wasn't his alpha. Thank god. ''What are you guy doing here.'' The guy said, clearly feeling uneasy. ''Helping the rogue, just like you.'' The two guys stared at eachother.
''I never expected his beta to go against him.'' Taehyung shrugged. ''And I never expected his mate to do that.'' Jin smiled at him and walked closer to the four guys. Resulting in the rogue to back up against the wall in fear. ''Let's get you patched up.'' Jin said in a calming voice. Yoongi was clearly feeling terrified by the fact that there were two packwolves, from the pack who keeps him captured and tortures him. ''We're not here to hurt you.'' Jin said. The two packwolves tried to calm him down, but nothing helped. Jimin suddenly grabbed Yoongi's hand. He tensed up at first but relaxed after that. The packwolves slowly approached him. ''Yoongi, they just want to help you. Please, let them.'' Yoongi hesitated but nodded. Taehyung and Jin treated his wounds and wiped all the blood from his body. When they were done, Yoongi crawled on Jimin's lap, who was still sitting on the ground. ''I'm sorry you had to see me like this.'' He whispered softly in Jimin's chest, while Jimin caressed his hair. ''I'm sorry that you're stuck with me.'' Suddenly he started to cry. ''I'm sorry if you hate me.''

The Bangtan Pack - BTS werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now