"Oh Ichigo! What brought you here?" The woman said excitedly. She seemed nice.

"is Karin" when he said my name, the woman's eyes widened and she mumbled something like "captain wasn't lying. He really did find her" I decided not say anything. However it made me more suspicious. "She want to ask Toshiro some things"

The woman's expression went back to normal but she smiled at me "is that so? Come with me then. Captain is still in his office" she said.

"Alright, thank you Rangiku-san" He waved and the tuned to me "and when you are done just call me with a hell butterfly ok?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll bring her back later"

"thanks again. Well I'm going" after that Ichigo left.

"Let's go, Karin-chan"

"Uh... ah yeah" I nodded. "Who are you?"

"I'm Matsumoto Rangiku, I'm the lieutenant of squad 10. Is nice to meet you" she smiled. She's nice too

"I guess you already know who I am, but nice to meet you too"

"So why did you come today?" She asked.

"Like Ichigo said, I came here to ask the-I mean- Captain Hitsugaya some questions, since he was the one who brought me here to the Seireitei" I almost said "the Captain guy" again.

"I see, well here is his office" she said as she kneeled down on the floor and slowly knocked on the door. I couldn't understand, why was she doing that? Couldn't we just open the door normally?

"Come in" the same cold and emotionless voice said. Matsumoto-san slowly opened the door then got up.

"Captain here is someone who want to see you" she said pointing at me. Then she left, closing the door behind her.

He looked up from his papers and for a second I thought that I saw him tense. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for answers" I said equally cold.

"What kind of answers?"

"I want an explanation. I want you to tell me why in hell you brought me here"

"I told you before, you were endangering the area. If you stay there longer than so many more would die" he answered calmly.

"That's bullshit and you know it! Shinigamis don't care about us. So why did you help me? You know what? Maybe you should have just left me there. If I was endangering the area then so be it. Because it wouldn't have been any of your business anyways. Besides I was fine back then. However now, ever since you brought me here. nothing in my life make sense anymore" he tensed but didn't say anything.

"So you aren't going to say anything either huh? Very well" after I said that I left feeling even more foolish than ever. Maybe I should just go back to my old life where everything wasn't this complicated. What happened to me, since when was I this weak with my emotions? I never let it lose control like that.

When I closed the door, I noticed Matsumoto-san standing there. She must have heard everything based on her expression. At the moment I didn't care if she did or not, and I fully expected her to kick me out after I so rudely yelled at her captain, someone she must respect a lot. However I was completely taken aback when she embraced me.

So... warm

"It's alright, Karin-chan" she whispered those words to me. "Come on, I'll take you back"

I didn't say anything as she separated from me. To think about it, it has been long since I felt that way, the warmth of her embrace. Like she cared deeply for me. Yet I couldn't understand why. Why would she care for a stranger like me? I realised that I wasn't used to all this. The only time I felt like this was with the person I loved who died protecting me. I wonder...

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