Keep it natural

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This chapter contains NSFW content (not safe for work) or very described mature content. Skipping this chapter won't affect the main story of the book, so if you would not like to read mature content then you are free to skip this chapter. Anyways if you are going to read this, then enjoy~

-Benjamin [Aka: writer]


It soon started getting dark and the bully had to leave cause he wasn't allowed to stay anywhere when night hits, even tho he didn't care about his parents getting mad at him, he only left because he felt extremely uncomfortable being around both Baldi and the Principal since he always gets in trouble with them a lot at the schoolhouse.

The Principal took Playtime to bed for her to rest. He smiled and kissed her forehead gently. "Good night darling." the Principal said towards the sleepy child. "good night daddy..." the small girl said tiredly before slowly falling asleep.

The Principal smiled feeling heartwarming from feeling like an accomplished parent because of Playtime. The Principal would usually get like this with sweet moments in his life, He was a very emotional person.

Tho right after that sweet moment he realized what was happening next after that. Oh, he didn't forget that quickly.

The Principal didn't mind having sex with Baldi, no he actually enjoys it quite a bit. What made him feel a bit weird about it was having to put on that playboy bunny thing he bought for him since he lost that random bet Baldi singed him up too.

The Principal walked into their bedroom and saw Baldi laying down. He was taking a quick nap earlier and it seems like he just woke up from it.
"...Did you sleep well, my love?" the Principal walked towards Baldi and sat next to him. "Yeah..."  Baldi wrapped his arm around the Principal's waists gently holding him close after stopping a minute of speaking. "you ready to become my new male stripper? heh~"  Baldi asked the Principal with a huge smirk on his face. "No...but I don't need to wear that playboy costume to have sex with you."

The Principal said this before sitting on Baldis crotch while he laid down looking up at him. "You want me to become your male stripper, then I'll be your male stripper~" Baldi was curious on what the Principal was about to do so he just stayed there and watched while he still had that smirk on his face.

Soon the Principal started taking off his clothes sexually just like a male stripper would do while giving Baldi a big smirk back. "You know, I've never imagined myself doing this to someone, especially one of my coworkers who ended up being my boyfriend~ You sure make me wanna do some really unexpected things, Baldi~" the Principal told Baldi right after feeling a bit of a bump under him, he could tell Baldi already had a boner. "Prince, you're so fucking hot and I honestly can't wait to own you tonight~ tho I will remind you that the power of boners isn't going to stop me from putting that costume on you~" Baldi replied telling the Principal that he wasn't going to get away with it. After all, Baldi wasn't going to waste his money for anything.
"So come on sexy get dressed~" Baldi smirked once more towards the Principal expecting him to do as he said. The Principal looked down at Baldi and shook his head a bit  "No, you told me earlier that if I wasn't going to wear it that you'll force me into it Hah~ I am quite interested my love~"

"Well then since you already stripped yourself then this is going to be a piece of cake~" Baldi stated while sitting up to grab the costume. Soon the Principal realized how stupid of an idea it was to strip on him to try and convince Baldi not to dress him.

A few minutes passed and Baldi was able to put half of the costume forced on the Principal. He was able to dress him with the bowtie, the bunny ears, and wrist sleeve. He tried to put on the rest of it but was complicated and the Principal kept refusing to put the rest on. "Is that all you're going to let me put on you? Aww, c'mon babe, you can do it~"

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now