Chronicles of a Fat Teenager - Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Hee hee!" Beth giggled and she watched her tummy wobble as she laughed. Normally this would have been a source of embarrassment and she would have grabbed the closest thing to cover herself up, but as she lay on the sofa with a giggling Miles next to her, she didn't have a care in the world. 

"My head is still spinning!" she laughed and wriggled over onto her stomach. Miles lay on his back, hands crossed behind his head with a far away smile in his sapphire eyes. 

"Are you OK?" she asked, wondering why he'd been quiet for a few moments and then an icy chill crept into her stomach. What if he was disappointed? What if it wasn't what he thought it would be? Was he just going through the motions with her? 

Beth's face fell and she asked him again, "W-W-Was I ... W-why won't you say anything?" 

Miles looked dreamily at her and smiled a broad, filthy grin. "I can't say anything my love, because apart from the fact that I'm fucking exhausted, I am actually totally and utterly speechless," and then he returned to his filthy chuckle. 

Beth lay her head on his chest and cuddled into him, "Was it ... as good as you thought it would be?" she continued fishing. 

Again, he laughed, "What, the first or the second time?" 

"Hee hee!" Beth blushed, "Both!"

"Well, I'd heard that S - E - X was supposed to be fun, apparently lots of people like to do it and I was curious as to what all the fuss was about. Turns out ... I've actually found something that lives up to the hype!"

Beth smiled and closed her eyes, breathing him in and allowing her head to rise and fall with his breathing. 

"Oh, was ... I no good for you? Was it OK? I mean ... I took the fact that you were biting the back of your hand while you were on top of me as a good sign. Christ, was it alright for you?" 

Now it was Beth's turn to laugh, "Ha ha! Yeah, I've actually still got a mark on the back of my hand from my teeth. Babe, if I didn't do that you would have got your wish and I would have been screaming your name. But I didn't think your parents would appreciate that, no?" 

Miles giggled and Beth's head jiggled up and down as he laughed. 

"I'm getting sea-sick with my head on your tummy ... and I can hear your tummy rumbling!" she laughed, moving her head back to the sofa cushion next to him. 

"We did it." Miles said matter of factly, "We are no longer virgins." 

"Will you get bored of me now?" Beth asked, "I mean, now you've got what you want from me. Will you move on?" She was joking, but part of her wondered if four weeks and four days together sent him the message that she was easy and that his protestations of love was to achieve that afternoon's activity. Doubt gnawed at her stomach as she waited for his response. 

"What the fuck?" he asked, disbelief in his voice, "I know you said that in a jokey way, but I know you well enough Bethany Evans that you partly meant that."

Beth bit her bottom lip and looked at him, "Sorry, I ... I'm just ..."

"Fucking STILL doubting how I feel about you! Jeeezus, Beth ... I have lost count how many times I've told you I love you."

"Well, if you count the last hour or so, about 428?" she joked softly, weakly smiling at him, trying to win back his favour, but she could tell her question had infuriated him. 

"Beth, when are you going to get it into that bloody head of yours. I am madly and hopelessly in love with you. If ANYONE should be worried, it should be me. You can't tell me, you won't tell me, you simply cannot say those three words and I understand, baby, I really do. I understand why you can't say it and I respect you for not using them liberally or just to appease me ... but PU-ULEEEAASSE ... don't EVER doubt the way I feel about you, OK?"

Chronicles of a Fat Teenager (Complete - Sequel coming soon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant