Chronicles of a Fat Teenager - Chapter Fifteen

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“Where r u?” Beth received a text from Miles the following morning while she travelled on the bus to school.

Beth texted back, “On smelly Number 17 bus. Man next to me smells of wee. Where r u?”

 Moments later Miles replied, “Waiting outside gates 4 u. Clones here. Want 2 walk in with u. x”

Beth smiled at the “x” at the end of his text and for a moment remembered how intensely he had kissed her the night before. Her cheeks flushed at the memory but her concentration was broken by another text alert from her phone.

 “They r talking about Jess. If u r on bus, where is she?”

 Beth quickly responded, “Not in today. Back tomorrow. Just the Porker to face the Clones today, the Princess back tomorrow.”

His response simply said, “Stop putting yourself down. … muppet. Lol xxx” 

Beth quietly grinned to herself and sat back on her seat. Idly watching the world whiz by she remembered how on the phone, Jess had been so excited for her after Miles’ surprise visit. Jess commented how romantic he seemed and how grown up and confident. Beth wondered about telling Jess that Miles had a disabled brother but she remembered that Miles had said he was quite a private person and to tell Jess felt like she would be betraying that privacy.  Jess had told her about the hospital visit and how she wouldn't be in school all day. Her parents, concerned about Jess seeing someone she knew at the hospital had paid for her to visit a private clinic outside the county. Beth received one text from Jess that morning, "We're off. Chat later, yeah? Butterflies in my tummy have butterflies of their own. Mum quiet. Dad chatting way too much. They want me to put my mobile away for the day. Miss you, B. xx" She guessed they would be arriving at the hospital soon and wished she could be there with her. 

The bus pulled up to the end of the street and Beth quickly gathered her bags and jumped off. The bus pulled away and she searched the street ahead of her for Miles. Nothing. The street was full of students from St Annes but no Miles. Suddenly hands were across her eyes and a familiar voice, tantalizingly close to her neck whispered, "Guess who?" 

"George? George Clooney? I've told you about this, George. It will never work! You're old enough to be my father! The restraining order is quite clear about this level of contact, you know!" 

The voice laughed into her neck and the hands lowered. Miles tenderly kissed her neck and Beth turned around. His sapphire smile still catching her breath and making her heart stop just for a moment. 

"Nutter!" he laughed, "You look nice, Babe ... can almost see your curves in that!" 

Beth was suddenly conscious of the outfit she had painstakingly picked out that morning.  With Miles' words "that baggy shit you usually wear" reverberating in her ears, Beth had deliberately chosen her wide leg trousers that hugged her bum a little more and a purple top that was a little lower at the front than she usually wore. 

"You're blushing again!" Miles teased, "What am I going to do with you?" and he grabbed her hand and they began walking together down the street towards the school. 

"How do you know the Clones are there?" Beth asked nervously. 

Miles explained that he'd already been into school to drop his kit bag off for the trials later that day. He'd seen them at the gates and had heard Beth's name and then Jessica's. He guessed they'd be waiting for her. 

"I was going to meet you at the gates anyway, but thought I could cut you off before you got too close to the school so I could walk in with you," Miles concluded. 

Beth sighed and squeezed his hand in appreciation, "Thanks, Miles. I've been really nervous about seeing them again and I said such mean things ... I just know it's going to come back on me with interest. With ... like ... payday loans interest!"

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