Chronicles of a Fat Teenager - Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Why don't you give Beth the tour of the house?" Abigail asked Miles. Charlie had returned to his shed to listen to music and Andrew had settled on the decking patio chair with the local paper, tutting as he read each article. Beth thought as a senior policeman, he'd probably know the facts surrounding some of the cases the Herald was reporting on and was lamenting the accuracy of their reporting.

Miles stood up and grabbed Beth's hands, pulling her to her feet.

"Come on then, you," he laughed, "Let's give you the tour. Mum, what time do you want us downstairs for dinner?"

"Oh, about 6.30pm - a couple of hours then. Make sure you show Beth the music room. She'll like it in there!"

Beth raised an eyebrow and mouthed "music room?" to Miles who shook his head and laughed, "One of mum's fads. Humour her!"

Miles led Beth around the house, not letting go of her hand once. Each room was decorated beautifully. Beth thought Jessica's house was wonderful, but Miles' home looked like it came from the pages of a magazine, but each room had little touches that made it more than a show house, but an impeccable family home. Photographs framed beautifully of the family on holidays, wedding photographs, portraits and certificates hung in every room.

"This is Charlie's room," Miles said, walking into a vast sunny bedroom at the back of the house.

"Will he mind that we're in here?" Beth asked nervously waiting at the door, but Miles pulled her in by the hand.

"No, he only sleeps in here every so often. Mum and dad have paid for him to have a little flat of his own with an independent carer. Someone who helps him live independently. He spends some of his time here and some there. It's new for him, so we're adjusting slowly."

Beth nodded and noticed the mature facial expressions Miles always had when he spoke of his brother. They made him look more rugged and handsome.

They walked across one of the landings and into a large room that was unmistakably the famous music room. A large piano was situated on the far wall by the corner windows and the wood panelling on the walls housed brackets with various musical instruments hanging from or balancing on them.

"So, who plays the piano, guitar, oboe, clarinet, flute, trumpet and violin then?" Beth asked, smiling at being surrounded by books of sheet music and instruments.

"No one, that's the point. A fad!" Miles replied.

Beth laughed, "You're not serious. Your mum made and decorated a music room with no one musical in the house?"

Miles nodded glumly, "It shall be a source of constant disappointment to my mother than I cannot play a single instrument and I am terrible at reading music."

"What about your dad? He play?" Beth asked.

"Apart from a killer rendition of chop-sticks, that piano has been dormant since she did this room 3 years ago. I brought Jez here a few months ago and he nearly shit himself. I think he's still working on mum now to let the band practice here. I think she'd let them if she thought they'd not ruin her carpets!"

Beth laughed and then remembered something, "Oh, I got a text from him! He was asking after Jess. How did he get my number?"

Miles looked sheepish for a second, "I'm sorry, love. I gave it to him. He really wants to talk to you about the band thing and ... well I gave him your number. Is that alright? I really, really hope you go for it and at least sing with them in practice. I've seen them and apart from hearing Jez's awful singing, they are brilliant."

Beth smiled and nodded, "After the buzz I got yesterday, definitely. Just get exams done first or mum will have a fit!"

"Just call him, OK?" Miles asked, pulling her out of the room again and back down the corridor, "Let him know you're up for it and he'll stop looking for a singer until he's heard you with the band. Just promise me I can be there at your first practice? Jess too, she'd love that!"

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