Chronicles of a Fat Teenager - Chapter Eighteen

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“Try to avoid him today, love!” Jessica’s dad called from the car as she and Beth waved him goodbye.

“I will, dad. Don’t worry!” she shouted and the two girls watched him drive away.

Jessica threw her school bag over her shoulder and linked arms with Beth.

“So, what’s the plan today?” Beth began as they walked towards the school gates together. “ Your dad mentioned student services.”

Jessica nodded, “Yeah, I’ve got to tell them about the baby as soon as possible so they can make sure I’ve got all the support I need. Also means my teachers will be quietly told so they can make allowances – you know like in gym, or something.”

“You could really milk this, you know!” Beth laughed, “You could get away with murder!”

Jess giggled and as they walked through the gates, she quietly said to Beth, “I wanna keep this as quiet as possible for as long as possible. I won’t be able to hide it for long, but just want to be able to tell people in my own time. I dare say Michael’s told Lucy though … so not sure how secret it’ll be for long.”

Beth smiled reassuringly,  “Well, it’s safe with me. I won’t tell Miles either. It’s not my secret to tell.”

Jessica rubbed her arm, “Lord, B, you can tell him. I trust him. He’s probably one of the nicest guys in this school. You’re lucky, you know. For your first real boyfriend to be so nice. I wish I could have the same luck, but mine turned into a total bastard. I knew he had a bit of a reputation, B but he was so charming and sweet when we first got together I thought the rumours must have been from jealous ex girlfriends … wow, how wrong can a girl get, eh?”

Beth smiled, she thought for a moment of Miles and she did feel very, very lucky to have him. She still couldn’t get her head around why he liked her so much, but until she trusted him and his feelings for her, she would enjoy getting to know him and getting to trust her feelings towards him a little more.

As they walked into the school, up the stone steps Beth noticed they were being stared at a little. Some girls laughed quietly and pointed at them. Beth felt self-conscious and wondered if their unlikely friendship was the cause for the unusual attention.

“Get the feeling you’re being talked about?” Beth asked as she looked cautiously around them.

“No …” Jess replied and Beth realized that Jessica usually wafted around school, gliding around the corridors aloof and indifferent to the attention she drew. She had never had cause to be wary of people’s perceptions and had never had to concern herself with how she was being observed. She had been a perfect Clone. No one mattered. Beth however had a very different experience of moving around the school. Hypersensitive to comments about her weight and what she was wearing meant that Beth was always poised for an insult to be hurled her way and therefore always surreptitiously watching people around her. Beth glanced around her and detected more people glancing their way, whispering and pointing.

“Well, they are … they’re pointing at us!” Beth said quietly, panic rising in her tone.

“Oh chill, Beth. No dramas. They’re just getting used to seeing us together!” Jessica purred, paying little attention to the whispering and gathering students around them. “Need to put this bag in my locker and we’re off to … um … revision with Mr Allan, yes? 

Beth nodded but looked ahead of them. There appeared to be people gathered around the lockers, more than usual. At the far side she could see Michael, towering over the others and next to him Lucy and Claire. The other Clones hovered close by too as students gathered around the lockers.

Chronicles of a Fat Teenager (Complete - Sequel coming soon)Where stories live. Discover now