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I wake up with a groan, I feel something cold on my head, I'm absolutely freezing and my throat is killing me, my head is pounding and I'm so tired.

"Shhhhhh, Pidge, it's okay it's just Edward and I" I hear Harry's voice.

I open my eyes, sit up and scramble out of bed quickly, which I instantly regret as a dizzy spell gets me and I'm loosing my balance. Edward stands up out of my bed and his arms snake around my waist and he pulls me towards him. They are both in my bed and my desk and dresser are back where they belong, the room is dark, apart from a small lamp on in the corner.

"Calm down sweetheart" Edward tells me as his warm arms hold me tighter. My head rests on his chest and his smell relaxes me.

I grip Edwards biceps tightly, I don't feel well at all.

"You spiked a temp baby and we are trying to bring it down" Harry tells me as he comes up behind me and swipes his fingers through my slightly wet fringe.

Baby? Sweetheart? I don't understand these pet names and loving tone they are both using with me. I'm too tired and sick to think too much about it now and I let out a whimper.

"I don't feel good" I admit quietly.

"Well that will teach you for walking in the rain huh?" Edward tells me, there is no menace or accusation in his voice at all, he sounds humoured.

"You left me and were mad at me,you always yell at me" I reply sadly.

They both sigh, Harry picks me up bridal style and puts me back into bed, they then both climb in and snuggle close to me.

"We didn't leave you, we were in the shower in our rooms. We weren't mad at you for working, we just need you safe and we don't mean to yell but you can be quite frustrating sometimes Louis" Harry tells me.

"So can you" I respond, my voice raspy and sore.

"Look, we'll talk more in the morning, right now you need sleep" Edward tells me.

Harry puts the washer back on my forehead and I shiver, it's cold. I swipe it away.

"I'm cold I don't want it" I tell them.

"We know Pidge but your temp is high, we need to bring it down" Harry tells me.

"No, I'm too cold....please" I whimper.

They both sigh and Edward takes the washer and puts it on my bedside table.

"Okay sweetheart just relax and try and get some sleep" Edward tells me.

I can't believe they listened to me, they normally would tell me tough luck and to suck it up, I snuggle up to them both and fall asleep again exhausted.

I'm not surprised when I wake up and I'm in just my boxers, the blankets replaced with a sheet and the washer back over my forehead, typical Harry and Edward, waiting until I'm asleep and can't protest. What I am surprised at though is the fact Harry and Edward are still next to me in the bed, they too have just boxers on.

I slowly take the washer off my head, it's too cold, I sit up slowly and I go to exit the bed before either of the boys wake up.

"Don't even think about it" Edwards raspy morning voice catches me off guard.

"I need to pee" I say my throat feels like it's closing over.

"Okay, straight there, straight back, you are on bed rest until further notice" Edward tells me.

I climb off the bed and walk to the bathroom, I feel really weak and sore, my head feels like it's going to explode, I do my business and know I should try to bring up whatever is in my stomach but I don't even have the strength I must have a bad flu. I sit down to regain some strength and I lie down on the cool bathroom floor, it's cold as my face rests on the tiles but I don't feel like I can move.

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