Just Relax

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Rian's P.O.V

I pulled up at the dentist to see Alex's face drain of all colour. He really hated the dentist but he has to go. Besides Zack and I have been friends since high school; I trust him.

"C'mon kitten lets go," I say as gently as possible. He shook his head and turned to look at me. His face was ghostly white. "Don't be scared sweetheart" I cooed as I pushed his hair from his face.

"Daaaadddyyyy," he whined. I watched as his chocolate brown eyes welled up with tears and his bottom lip trembled. "Please dont make me go" he begged.

"I'm sorry pumpkin but you have to go" I get out of the car and walk over to the passengers side. I open the door and lift him out. Using my thumb, I gently wiped away a few stray tears. He wrapped his arms around my neck and clung to me tightly as I carried him in.

"I don't wanna do this. I can't do this." He began as Zack walked out. I looked across the room to see him smiling and shaking his head a little. He is so patient with Alex and honestly I owe him a lot after what he does for me.

"I take it Alex is not too happy about being here," he said looking at Alex who was shaking and crying in my arms. I shake me head chuckling slightly and take him over to Zack.

"He's shitting himself just like ever other time he comes," I chuckled a little after speaking. I ran a hand through my little lexy's hair. "Shhh little one daddy's here."

"Don't worry lex you're safe, I promise" Zack said in a comforting voice. "If you're a good boy you'll get a sticker at the end." Zack new about the kind of relationship me and lex had and never once judged us for it. He made these kinda things a lot easier. He looked at me "this way bro."

I followed him into the room. It was clean and everything was already set up. Alex was clinging to my like a new born sloth clinging to its mother. I play with his hair to calm him down. "Shhh," I whisper. "Just relax. It'll all be over soon." I wiped away the tears streaking his face. He was gonna be just fine.

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