Chapter 11 , "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing"

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Terry looked at his wife. He saw the pain in her eyes and it hurt his heart, that he had hurt her that way. She was always so sweet and so nice, despite his attitude towards her. And he had behaved badly and what he had just done with Susanna was inappropriate. He pushed Susanna away.

- Candy..., he repeated

Candy was looking at the scene like in a dream... how could he have done that to her, in her environment, in front of his employees, did he want him to disrespect him? And that goose!!! She was going to save her marriage; it's her conjugal duty...

- That's my name honey, she said coming in the room, you're not doing the presentations? I'll take care of it, then...

She was approaching them...

- And you are? She asked Susanna

- Susanna Marlowe, his ex-fiancée...

- « Ex » being the important word here... I am HIS wife... and what I just saw, I didn't like it one bit !

- Take it with your husband...

- I'm taking it with you! Because you know he's married and that he's having a baby with me...

- He asked me to wait...

- I don't give a dam what he promised you when you broke up. I'm in the picture how with Junior as a bonus... Projects change. We are married for good and we're going to raise our baby together. Does that getting into your thick skull?

Candy was approaching her while talking, like she was defying Susanna with her belly. She probably wasn't thinking clearly, but enough was enough!

Susanna looked at Terry, like to say, "Do something", all she saw was his eyes fascinated by his wife's interruption...

- Now you're going to take your dirty little paws and get lost before I change my mind and decide to jump on you with my big belly!

- Who do you think you are?

- A wife defending her territory, get out of here!

- But Terry...

- Get out!!! Yelled Candy

Susanna got upset with Terry and his silence.

- I'm leaving you with your erectile dysfunction!

Candy approached her husband and she put her hand on his crotch, there was a bump there right away.

- I really don't know what you're talking about, Miss Marlowe, my husband is well built...

Terry was speechless in front of Candy daring behaviour and he looked at Susanna. He knew from the start, he wanted Candy and only Candy...

Susanna looked at the scene, with all the effort from the night before on Terry's member, nothing had happened and a simple caress from his wife and that was it? She didn't say anything more and Candy has let the door open and all the employees had heard t hem... The shame! She walked out the office and the building with her head high.

Candy and Terry were looking at each other.

- Candy..., he said one more time.

- Candy what!???!!! Is that all that you have to say? I find you kissing another woman and all you have to say is "Candy"? I came to show you the DVD of the Ultra sound , since you seemed disappointed to have missed it. I certainly didn't expect to find you smooching a goose!!! I'm going back home and I don't need all this drama in my life... you came and get your stuff, I need to be calm if I don't want Junior to come to early!

Candy got out of the office. All the employees turned around when she passed. She took her car and went back home. She packed Terry's things and brought them downstairs. She was in tears...


Terry was in his office and his head was spinning. What the heck just happened How did his body react just by Candy touching him? He had forced himself not to desire Candy ever since they got married... He wanted to used Susanna to relief himself, so he wouldn't turn to Candy, but apparently, his body had other plans. Makin glove to Canady had been wonderful, he had never felt like that with a woman, it was the nirvana, seventh heaven... He called his best friend.

- Archie?

- Well well well, the naughty boy dares to call me!

- What do you know?

- That you kissed Susanna at the county club and that you were together at the restaurant last night and today at the country club again

- Well good news travel fast!

- What the heck are you're you doing dude?

- I'm confused, I wanted to get Candy out of my head...

- You couldn't do it during the 6 months of your separation, what mad you think you were going to succeed this time around?

- During those 6 moths, I only wanted one woman...

- So instead of doing your conjugal duty with the woman you want, you go and look for your ex-fiancée? What's wrong with that picture?

- She's William Andrew's daughter

- If you repeat that sentence one more time, I'm going to scream!

- It doesn't do anything to me anymore...

- What do you mean?

- I mean, I used to say it so I wouldn't get soft with Candy...

- You did tell me that making love to Candy was the most wonderful sexual experience you've ever had in your life?

- Yes...

- That means that it was better than with Susanna?

- A thousand times better!

- So why did you want to screw her again?

- I told you I was confused... I wanted to make myself believe that I could live with Candy without touching her and satisfy myself elsewhere...

- What's the result?

- It was a pleasure and torture at the same time to sleep with Candy in my arms with Junior kicking me. Candy and her belly is so desirable, I never desired a woman like I desire her...

- You deserve my fist in your face for what you did to Candy with Susanna

- You like Candy, don't you?

- What do you mean?

- You're defending her with vehemence...

- You're talking nonsense...

- Come on buddy, it's just us here...

- Terry...

- Archie...

- All right! I wish I had met her before you! But she's yours and I will never try anything and I can't believe you're treating her that way!

- That's easy for you to say, her father didn't buy your company!

- And even so... if I had her, I wouldn't treat her that way! She way too nice with you!

- She is nice with everybody. At work, everybody loves her...

- She's not the enemy's daughter?

- Apparently, she did everything so that everybody keep their job...

- And she's an angel too! You're a moron Terry!

- You haven't heard the lastest ...

- What did you do again?

- I was having lunch with Susanna and I missed a call from Candy... who wanted me to take her to the hospital for the ultra-sound... since I was disappointed, Susanna came with me to the office... Candy had told me she was going back home...

- Only, she came to the office, guessed Archie

- She wanted to show me the DVD of the ultrasound...

- How did she did find you? Oh no, don't tell me you were kissing her ?!

- She was kissing me!

- You bastard! What did Candy do? She left running?

- No, on the contrary, she came in and she threw Susanna out...

- WHAT??!!

- I was as surprise as you... She was so beautiful when she was angry... she had fire in her eyes, they were dancing...

- That must've aroused your desire for her...

- At the second I saw her...

- And she threw Susanna out? What about you? She gave you an earful?

- What do you think? And then she left...

- What did you tell her?

- Nothing...

- TERRY!!!! You go see your wife quickly! You might find your stuff outside!

- You think?

- She found you kissing another woman!!!

- You're right...

- You're still not thinking clearly... go see your wife before someone steals her from you!

- I'm going... Thank you Archie... and thank you for what you said about Candy...

- No problem. Good luck dude...

- I'm not angry at you, you're the brother I never had.

- Thanks.

Terry got out of the office. Marcie was looking at him.

- It took you long enough...

- Marcie...

- You should've followed her right away...!

- Good bye Marcie.

- Good bye Terrence.

He continued his way greeting the employees on his way and went outside, took his car and went back home...

He got home and couldn't help holding his breath before he saw on the grass in front of the house no suitcases. He got out of the car and took his keys to open the door. In the hallway, he saw his belongings... His heart explodes in his chest. He went to the living you and he found Candy wearing a baby doll transparent showing her belly: Junior, they were so beautiful, both of them. A sight for sore eyes. She was sitting on the couch. He went to sit next to her.

- You're packed..., said Candy

- I saw that... you carried that all alone?

- Like a big girl...

- I don't want to leave...

- I don't need your pity...

- Candy, I was an idiot...

- I'm not going to contradict you...

- I'm asking for your forgiveness

- You're asking for my forgiveness for what exactly?

- For Susanna...

- Ah... what did you do with her?

- I kissed her...

- You did more than kissing her if she was talking about your ... dysfunction...

- I wanted to make love to her.

Candy's heart exploded in a thousand pieces.

- I want to be honest with you Candy...

- Yet, you lied to me yesterday, when you told me you were working late...

- I know. I'm asking you to forgive me. I had dinner with Susanna...

- I know...

- How do you know?

She took her phone and showed him the picture.

- Oh my God! I'm sorry... that's why you didn't tell me about the ultra sound?

- At the last minute, my father convinced me to call you...

Terry said to himself that William Andrew wasn't a bad guy after all.

- I would've come, if I had had your message earlier... You believe me right?

- For Junior, yes, I believe you. I know he's the one you're interested in...

Candy thought he wasn't interested in her? Whose fault was that? Wasn't he the one ignoring her?

- I want to be there for both of you, Candy. I want to take care of both of you...

- When you're turning to other women, it's not going to work Terry... I was hoping you would turn to me... I was patient despite my libido...

- Your libido...

- Yes, I'm part of the unlucky ones who crave making love while they're pregnant...

- Oh... well you've got a husband who can take care of you if you forgive him...

- You're coming to me because of your dysfunction...

- I'm coming to you because you are my wife and that I've never felt so much pleasure when I made love to you...

- It doesn't look like it... after the way you ran off on me like a thief...

- I had just found out who you were...

They said at the same time:

- William Andrew's daughter!

Terry looked at her.

- Forgive-me Candy, I was making you pay for the loss of my company, while you had nothing to do with it... I missed you yesterday when you turned your back on me... I love sleeping with you and Junior in my arms. I'm making you a promise that from now on, we will have a real marriage, if you're willing to give me another chance... I'm begging for your forgiveness Candy, forgive-me... If I was avoiding you, it's because I desired you too much...

Having Terry so close, telling her what she wanted to hear for months and talking sex, had excited her so strong. You had to say, giving the state she was in, thinking about a kiss was making her excited like crazy!

- And oh yeah! I was to see Junior's DVD...

- I forgive you Terry, Candy finally said.

Terry had a sigh of relief. And he smiled...

- What? You're not kissing me? Said Candy disappointed

- I'm dying to do it, but...

- You want to go to the bathroom first?

He had kissed Susanna, he still had her perfume on her...

- You took the words right out of my mouth... I'm going to bring my suitcases back upstairs... and I don't ever want you carrying heavy things again!

- All right Romeo.

He smiled, she was his Juliet... and he loved her. He stood up to go get his suitcases and took them back to their bedroom upstairs. Then he took his clothes off and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth with "Scope", a popular mouthwash. Then he took a shower and washed himself well. He had managed to save his marriage, Candy had forgiven him. He had escaped by the skin of his teeth...

"Thank you God", said Terry to himself.

He had everything he need, why would he go look elsewhere?

Candy was in her room, she had put the DVD of the baby and she was looking at it and talking to it while she was waiting for Terry.

- Junior, I think this is it. Daddy finally made up his mind! You're going to close your eyes, because mommy and daddy are finally going to have fun... I've been waiting for this for months...

Terry got out of the bathroom and had a towel around his waist, since Candy had put his robe in one of his suitcases. His hair was wet, she had a very attractive husband... Her excitement got higher. Terry approached the bed and he took her in his arms, dropping the towel. He had her in his arms looking at the giant screen where a form was moving, it was grayish, on grayish...

- That's Junior, said Candy

- Oh... Hey Junior! Said Terry

- Terry, I adore our baby, but please, can we do this later?

- Do what? Said Terry innocently

- Look at the DVD!

- Oh, and what do you want to do instead?

- You know what I want...

- How do you want me to know it? I'm not a psychic...

- Come on Terry...

- I want you to tell me exactly what you want...

Candy was ashamed and she blushed, Terry thought she was adorable and he smiled.

- Now you're shy? You very talkative earlier in my office...

- I was getting rid of a goose who wanted to steal my husband...

- I loved the scene; it really got me excited...

- Excited? So when I touched your crotch, you were already active?

- From the moment you opened the door... You're the one I've wanted from the start... so tell me what you want my Juliet...

Candy looked at him in the eyes and she said:

- I want you to make love to me Romeo...

- You see my Juliet? That wasn't so difficult was it?

He leaned towards her and he took possession of her soft and sensual lips. His tongue got into his wife's mouth and dances with her, fierily ... They stopped and Terry took off her baby doll. Her breast was bigger and beautiful to look at, he looked at her belly and Junior growing inside of her. He kissed the belly very delicately. He caressed her breast and sucked it, pinched it... they caressed each other mutually after a moment, they made love and Terry thought she was so good he had to restraint himself no to go fast... Candy has been craving for months, she could've had another lover, but with Terry's baby, she rather it be him to relief her, because he was the only man who had taken her to seventh heaven one more time... they screamed their pleasure together... during the whole night.  

Small World...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon