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As I sip my water I open the doors to my balcony. I take my journal and go through the to-do list of the previous day and check if I've missed out on anything I was supposed to do. I create the to-do list for the day which generally included any important tasks, study pattern, write-up submissions and so on. I decide on the time I'm going to spend on each of these activities. I scribble down any thoughts or worries that may be bothering me to get it off my mind.

I shower immediately play some music & make myself some breakfast usually cereals, sandwiches, eggs, poha, and a cup of tea usually infused with ginger and lemongrass.

Emani was watching in the television in the living room, while me and Catherine is in the kitchen. Murry and my uncle off to somewhere. It was a typical normal day for me. I am pleased as punch, sunshine flooded my soul.

Catherine was busy as I helped her with breakfast. I know it will be a big help for her therapy not to idle things. She's got a lot on her plate.

The door rings. I get to open the door. I saw Embry trapped me with her arms, locked around neck.

We got up to my room, and she started crying.

''My parents are planning to get divorce, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to have a broken family.'' Her eyes face gets red and blotchy, eyelids puffy.

Her voice cracks as she try to speak. She scrub her nose so she don't end up with snot running down her face.

'' It hurts now but it will get better.'' I say.

''But my mom wants to end their marriage.'' She muttered.

Somebody knocks my room, as the door opens. My mom appeared.

''Your brother is here,'' She say to my best friend.

As she went out, his brother came up. I get up, so they can talk together. He sits right next to her.

''I know it was such a stressful time, but you must figure out exactly what our parents, need, and what they are willing to give up," He began wrinkling the brow.

They stared each other for a moment. My best friend fidgeting, having a hard time sitting still.

''But no matter what happen, I am here. I will never leave you.'' He muttered, as he squeeze her tightly.

''Sanders, I'm really sorry that we bother you, I just don't even know what to do right now.'' He say worrily.

''Nuh, I wish that everything gets better. I know you will. You can always have my shoulders.'' I mumbled.

Embry stood up.

''I'm really thankful that I have my best friend.'' She chuckles. '' Don't even know what to a place without having you, and actually both of you.''

In being okay with not being okay, we get to open up instead of close. We get to let out the pain one tiny drop at a time. Even if it takes years, or a lifetime, we can start to see that our scars start to fade from red to silver, that though it was once dark we are beginning to sense a new day. In this sharing, in the brave acts of the raw beginning to roar, there is hope for everyone. So, though this is a digital hand, take it. Hold on. Keep going, be a soldier. I am here.

HER HERO: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now