Chapter Twenty: Atomic

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The other brawlers were not happy about the fact that they were working with men.

For the entire drive there, her fellow girls scowled at the men sitting across from them, holding their weapons suggestively on their laps. The men looked visibly uncomfortable about it, and Atomic didn't blame them. In fact, she was kind of pissed off about the way the girls sitting next to her were acting.

Like, sure, if they preferred to work with other women, that was their choice. She could get that, even if it wasn't her cup of tea. But acting downright antagonistic towards men? That wasn't something she could get behind. Besides, half of the men were pretty cute, and she knew for a fact that all the other brawlers (excluding Psycho and Jab) were straight, so what gives?

In short, it was a pretty awkward drive.

The van she found herself in was larger than any of the ones Vixen owned, though it followed the same model; black walls, black ceiling, black floor, one long bench for each side of the wall. There were two main differences, however; the lights here were attached safely to the ceiling, and on the left wall were multiple screens.

Vixen had given them a basic rundown of the plan. Three of the men would go into the warehouse wearing body cams, disguised as clients, to scope out the scene. For all the work they'd done, Poison and Antidote hadn't been able to get their hands on the exact measures of security that would be in place, and Gaze hadn't even gotten close. They did know that Jake Paul was the one in charge, however, and according to Gaze, that meant that the security layout they had in place would be anything but smart.

After that was done, everyone in the truck would decide on a plan based off of what they saw, and then they'd spring into action, burst into the warehouse, and kill every pimp and client they could find.

Atomic wasn't feeling too great about the 'deciding' part of the plan. After all, that would require teamwork, and from the way her fellow brawlers were looking at the men, that wouldn't happen anytime soon. She could only hope that what was on the line; the futures of up to three hundred women and children; would incentivize them to put their prejudice down and work together.

Just thinking about that made her blood boil. Why did any of the people running this ring think that they had any right to strip those women and children of their futures, dignity, and rights, to treat them as objects for there enjoyment? That was so fucked up that even someone like Vixen thought it was despicable.

There was a certain place in Hell for people who abused women and children (and men, for that matter) like this. She was sure of it. And tonight, she was going to send them there.

The truck rolled to a stop. One of the men, who had brown hair and brown eyes, stood up and clapped his hands, making the muscles in his beefy arms ripple. "Okay. Ryan, Adam, Shane; you know what to do."

It shocked her a little to hear their names. After spending so much time in the Compound, where everyone only went by their chosen names, hearing a normal name like "Ryan" seemed strange and unnatural.

For a few seconds, she wondered what the other brawler's real names were, before quickly shaking the thought from her mind. No one had outright explained the way names worked to her, but she was smart enough to figure out that they were taboo. Heck, just imagining someone calling her 'Mari' made her want to punch something; she was sure it was the same for the other girls.

Or, at least, it used to make her want to punch something. She wasn't so sure of that anymore. The concept of Mari didn't seem as alien to her anymore, no matter how much she wished it did. That name represented a life without Silver. And now, no matter how much she hated it, a life without Silver didn't seem so bad at all.

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