Chapter Ten: Boze

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Boze is sitting in the back of the truck with four other girls; Barbie, Psycho, Wrath, and, of course, Atomic, her bow and quiver resting on her shoulders. Rebel was driving them and had the screen down, giving them a clear view of her cherry-red hair.

Barbie had the map spread out on her lap, and the other four women crowded around her as she points out certain rooms, describing Bla- Anthony's defences. Boze really has to get better at that. In her world, using someone's real name instead of their street name without their permission is the greatest insult you can throw their way, and Anthony doesn't deserve an ounce of her respect.

"This is where I'll be taking him to," Barbie explains, pointing to the room on the map. A path has already been drawn through the floorplan in red ink, instructing exactly what route to take to get to him. "It's his room. He takes all his lovers there."

"And you're sure he'll be there?" Boze asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes," Barbie replies. "He already knows I'm coming, and I'm his favourite. He won't leave me waiting."

"But he knows that you're one of Vixen's girls," Psycho pointed out. "Why would he trust you?"

"As far as he knows, I hate all of you," Barbie replied, flicking her short wavy blonde hair behind her shoulder. "It was part of my plan to seduce him. Tell him that I think he's far stronger and smarter than Vixen, more worthy of leadership and power. I know men like him, and there's nothing they like more than getting their egos stroked."

"He thinks you love him, doesn't he?" Psycho asked with a grin.

"Just because he's an idiot," Barbie scoffs. "Like I ever would love a man like him."

Before anyone can respond, the truck rolls to a stop, and Rebel turns to look at them. "We're here."

"Wish me luck, everyone," Barbie says as she throws the doors on the back of the truck open and jumps out. They all watch through the front window as she walks through the darkness up to Anthony's house.

Well, house didn't really describe it. Because Anthony lived in a mansion. Not just a small one; a gigantic one, like if two mansions had a baby together and then mutated it with a castle. Boze had no idea how Barbie had been able to map out the entire floorplan without going insane.

"Woah," Psycho remarked as she stared at the building. Boze wasn't surprised. Psycho had always been a sucker for luxury. She could see parts of Anthony in her. Those were the parts she didn't like.

Barbie made her way through the massive garden and to the door, where a butler let her in. Everywhere you looked, you saw guards; in the gardens, outside the door, through the windows. Barbie had gotten ahold of their schedule, thankfully, which Boze was studying now as Psycho and Atomic watched her in quiet anticipation.

Atomic had been uncharacteristically silent so far. Boze didn't know if she was too wrapped up in the mission, depressed, or what, but none of the vibrant, bubbly, trusting girl that Wes (and Boze herself) had moulded her into shone through, replaced with a grim-faced woman that seemed to understand the seriousness of the situation. It was almost as if she had Mari back.

Almost, but not quite. Because Mari would've told her she was stupid at least twice by now and made at least ten helpful contributions to the mission planning. Probably would've roasted the Hell out of Anthony while she was at.

Boze checked her watch. 9:48. Guard rotation. "Let's go."

The four women slipped out of the truck and crept into the gardens. They had around two minutes before the new guards got to their positions. Seeing as the tall bushes and flowers kept them concealed from view from anyone looking through a window, they managed to make their way through the entire garden unnoticed.

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