Chapter Eleven: Atomic

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"Atomic, take his legs," Vixen instructed. "I'll take his head."

She nodded and did what Vixen asked, walking over to the only male in the room and grabbing his legs. He wasn't super heavy; she probably would've been able to carry him alone for at least half the distance if she took a few breaks. But they didn't have time for breaks, so Vixen grabbed his feet, and together, they lifted him clear off the ground.

Barbie held the door open for them. They walked out, stepping over the corpses of the guards they'd killed as they made their way to the staircase. Barbie took one of Vixen's knives so they'd have some form of protection if they got in a jam.

They followed the same route out as they'd taken in. Still, Atomic was amazed at how luxurious the place was. Add a bit more colour, and this would be her dream home. If Heaven did exist, and God for some reason let her go there, she imagined that her home would look something like this.

Psycho and Wrath were waiting for them outside. Now that they didn't need to sneak around, they didn't bother to creep through the garden. Vixen grabbed Blade's entire body, slinging it over her shoulder, and they started running back towards the van, having her two fellow brawlers shoot every guard they encountered.

Somehow, they all made it to the truck uninjured. Vixen threw Blade in, and he hit the wall with a loud smack that could not have felt good. Then the five women all climbed in and slammed the doors shut just in time for some bullets to dent in the metal behind them.

Their red-haired driver (what was her name again? Red? Reality?) slammed her foot on the gas, and then they were off, speeding away from the mansion as fast as they could go. The five women all sat down, breathing heavily.

"Good job, girls," Vixen congratulated them, a smile on her face.

"Right back at ya, Vix," Psycho replied, letting her platinum hair fall out of her cap and tumble back over her shoulders. Atomic hated that hair. It was the same colour that Silver's had been, and she couldn't look at it without feeling a stab of pain and longing in her chest.

Wrath grabbed some rope from the corner and started getting to work, tying Blade up. The chances of him waking up anytime soon were slim to zero, but there was no downside to being careful.

For the entire ride back, Atomic stared at Blade's body. He had a black eye from when Vixen had thrown him at the wall, and his veins were popping. In the state he was in now, it was hard to believe that he was the same man who had killed Silver.

But he was. And he was here, lying at her feet, utterly defenceless, as they drove him towards his death. Atomic smiled at the thought. He deserved no less.

She kicked him for good measure. His body jostled at the contact, but he didn't stir. She almost wished that he would, just so he could feel the pain of her kicks.

After around twenty minutes, they arrived at the Compound. Their blue-eyed driver who Atomic could still not name opened the door for them, grinning.

"Good job, guys," her voice was higher than Atomic had been expecting it to be. She sounded like Ariana Grande if she were sick.

"Thanks, Rebel," Psycho replied, fist-bumping the redhead on her way out. Rebel. What a simple name. Why any of Vixen's girls would go with a name that you could find on a birth certificate that didn't belong to a celebrity's child, Atomic couldn't tell you.

The parking lot is deserted, aside from all the trucks Vixen owned and some of the delivery girls, organizing packages. Atomic ignored them and followed the rest of the team up to the sleeping quarters. The mission had left her exhausted.

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