don't pick up the phone

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Taehyung didn't know how he found himself sitting in a café with Minho making plans on how to Jungkook jealous. You would think he had better things to do with his time but honestly he didn't and it seemed like Minho didn't either.

Usually Taehyung would spend his Friday nights watching anime or foreign movies with Jungkook but we all know how that turned out.

"Okay, so we need to work on your appearance. Not that you need a lot of help with fashion or anything but you do." Minho mumbled, scribbling something in his notebook which he had decided to dedicate to making plans to make Jungkook jealous.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Taehyung said, looking down at his blue hoodie that had a ketchup stain on it.

"Tae, I have seen your closet and all that Gucci isn't going to wear themselves. Your clothes are amazing, and I think you should stop worrying that people would think you're showing off and dress for yourself." Minho said to his friend.

Taehyung consistently bought Gucci products every chance he got but refused to wear them instead choosing to wear them in the house.

"Okay, I can do that." Taehyung said, hesistantly nodding his head.

"Good, now what else? Okay, I'm pretty sure I'd have to pick you up Monday morning for school." Minho said to himself, before scribbling something into the book.

"One, I think you're taking this way more seriously than I am and two, why would you need to pick me up? I'm pretty sure I can get to school on my own." Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrow.

"To answer your first question..well I guess it's because I've seen the way he ignores you and I know it really upsets you. I may spend all my time trying to sleep during art class, but I know when my art partner is upset. It's like a super power." Minho said making Taehyung's eyes soften a bit.

"And to answer your second question, I'm picking you up because Jungkook has a car, and if you walk in school parking lot, you'd look like a loser, so you'd need a car to get in and since you don't have have one, I come in. So now you can walk past him looking like your best self and make him know what he's missing." Minho explained, grinning, pretty proud of himself.

"Wow, you've given this a lot of thought." Taehyung said with wide eyes, only to glare when Minho put his spoon into Taehyung's ice cream and took a scoop, once he was about to take another one, Taehyung slapped his hand. Hard.

You can mess with a man but not with his food. Never with his food.

But that didn't even seem to faze Minho who waved it off and began to talk.

"Of course I have, I didn't work my ass of in the drama- Shit! Code Red, Code fucking red." Minho said, staring at something behind Taehyung and moving his arms wildly.

"Wait, what's code red? Since when were we colour coding our codes. What the hell, Minho?" Taehyung said, freaking out even though he didn't know what Minho was talking about.

"The eagle has landed. The bird is in the nest. The lion is in the den. The idol is on stage. The-" Minho started only for Taehyung to cover his mouth with his hand.

"I swear to God, if you don't give me a straight answer, I will punch you." Taehyung said, threateningly, before slowly removing his hand from his friend's mouth.

"The Jungkook is the building." Minho whisper- yelled, still going with the style he used before.

Taehyung eyes widened. "Really? Where? I knew he lied to me." Taehyung said about to turn around when Minho grabbed his shoulders.

"No, don't look at him. It would look like you care and the whole point of this, is to pretend that you don't even though you do." Minho said, with a smug smile on his face, knowing he was right.

"Okay, yeah you're right." Taehyung said.

"Shit, he has seen us!" Minho said, stealthily looking at Jungkook, who was sitting at the other end of the café from the corner of his eyes.

"What do we do? Do you go back to the planning thing and pretend he's not there?" Taehyung said, wanting to turn his head so bad.

"Why isn't he coming here? You're his friend, he's supposed to be coming over and inviting you to his and his friend's table." Minho said to himself, furrowing his eyebrows before realizing Taehyung has asked him a question. "What? No! We'd look like a couple nerds doing homework or something."

"So what do we d-" Taehyung started but was cut off.

"She speaks. O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art. As glorious to this night, being o'er my head, As is a winged messenger of heaven, Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes." Minho started, a bit dramatic, making Taehyung's eyes bulge out.

"A-Are you quoting Romeo and Juliet?" Taehyung asked, incredulously but Minho ignored him.

"Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him. When he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds. And sails upon the bosom of the air." Minho said, making over-dramatic hand movements before gesturing towards Taehyung to continue.

Taehyung just looked at Minho for a moment before grinning at him and shrugged. Might as well forget about the stressful situation.

"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or-" Taehyung messed up the scene when he began laughing. He couldn't take the situation seriously. Who recites Romeo and Juliet unexpectedly in a café?

"Oh come on, Tae. You almost did it. Let's start again." Minho said with a grin.

"Okay! Okay!" Taehyung said trying to hide his smile and put on his poker face.

He was about to start when he heard his phone ring. He passively glanced at the phone only to see Jungkoook's name on the screen.

"He's calling." Taehyung said, trying not to look like they were discussing the phone call in case Jungkook was looking.

Minho took out a mirror from his pocket at angled towards Jungkoook's direction discreetly. "He's really looking at us, Tae. Oh God, I think I saw his eye twitch. It's creepy as hell." Minho said before taking a scoop out of Taehyung's ice cream. "Shit! I shouldn't have done that, now, he's glaring at me, Tae." Minho said frantically.

"Why do you have a mirr- Nevermind!" Taehyung said before picking up the phone, finally stopping the discreet looks and tackling the problem. He quickly cut the call and thought, 'Not today Jungkook. Not today.'

"Hey, are you okay?"Minho asked his friend.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Taehyung said before adding, "Let's forget about it okay, and let's see how many quotes I can say without messing up."

And as usual Minho said something stupid making Taehyung laugh, but he could still feel those eyes staring at him, but he pushed it aside.

It was friends like Minho...friends like Jimin and Yoongi that made things better in Taehyung's life but he couldn't help but think about how Jungkook used to be one of those friends, but not anymore. And with that thought Taehyung knew he had set things in motion.

Game on Jeon Jungkook.

Fun fact: I was listening to Mic Drop while writing this.

jealous | taekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon