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"We know and we really are very sorry Jungkook. Sorry we hurt your feelings, we felt insecure all the bad things we said. We are sorry don't believe them all." they let tears out and so does Jungkook.

"You guys shouldn't feel insecure, if it wasn't for you guys I'd never have friends I wouldn't be myself! I wouldn't have loved my dreams! It's all because of you guys that I have what I have, you guys accepted me when I was just your backup dancer. I wouldn't be me and I'm grateful for you guys because in Seoul you were my only true friends. I just found it unfair what you guys said and did, plus it did hurt me but, it's ok I forgive you because I love you guys way too much Hyungs. You have no idea how much I love you guys.I may not be able to express myself well emotions wise but know you guys are the best thing that has happened to me.'' he smiles and all members wipe their tears off smiling.

"Thanks Jungkookie your really important to us as well. We love you...... because of you we are now completed, because of you we don't feel something missing like we did before, because we needed you and you needed us..... and together we will get far!" Jimin finished it off and all stand up getting up and hugging eachother as a group hug.

" We really haven't spend any time together I think it's best that we I don't know hang out together what do you think?" Tae asks and they all cheer agreeing with eachother. There was an amusement park and so they all decided to attend.

"Hey lets go on the rollercoaster!"Jungkook says happily. Jin and Hobi go blank..... they do get scared the most so seeing that huge rollercoaster was not so pleasant for them.

"Oh come on we went to six flags you can't possibly not want to ride this one! Are you guys chicken is that why?" Yoongi threatens and the two give him a stare the others only laugh.

"Fine we will go on it but I won't say I will yell! So whoever is my partner which is you Yoongi will have to deal with my scaredness because I'm no chicken!" Hobi defends himself and they get on the rollercoaster and you can say Hobi actually did get scared not as much as Jin, but it still made yoongi laugh a lot the other members had fun as well.

"Hey since this amusement park is near a beach do you guys wanna go hang there and all! I mean it's the beach! Come on!" Tae yells running and they all start running as well. Jungkook smiles he loved that they were spending time together after the storm.,he loves his Hyungs and that won't ever change. It takes a while before Jungkook runs to them beating them all but he then later get tackled by all 7 members jumping on him for fun.

After tackling the younger they all sit by the seashore looking at the water and looking at eachother, they all smiled. Before they felt lonley.... now they feel complete. If you asked Jungkook this would be his future he wouldn't have believed it but now he's happy to be with them.

"Hey guys lets be in this together for a long run yea? Let's not disband for a good while and just enjoy eachother and what we have?'Jungkook asks with hope and gets warming smiles having a arm around his shoulder.

"We will kookie that's something that will for sure will come true.... because now we have you!" Jin says and Jungkook and the members couldn't be happier.

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