Chapter 3 |

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A/n Sorry for the late update Wattpad has recently been a B**** to me and all,sorry if the chapter isn't so good I promise that as the chapters go on they will get better. I also may update again in about a few hours for you guys! Again I'm sorry and I hope I didn't disappoint to much in this chapter, have. A good day or night ❤️❤️ one last thing sorry if I don't answer ur comments Wattpad somehow does let me idk if it my electronic or what but I'll be looking into that

Jungkook was able to pack up some of his stuff he had about two weeks for it and he was saying bye to his brother and family. He would be taking some classes by being in yugyeom house who heard about the news and welcomed jungkook to stay with them whenever he needed too.

"Be sure to call us when you get their is a 2 hour train ride and tell me you arrived safely Alright? Please call us and we will see you soon right?"Jungkooks mom speaks hugging her son not letting him go. He was the younger one so this did scare them a bit and all but knew jungkook would have a shot ending up being what he always wanted. After her hug it was his father and brother

"Don't forget about us when you get famous ok kookie! And please texted me it will be sad not having you as my roommate but I know you will be back soon!"his brother says hugging him right. "I'll be back guys and I won't forget you guys are my family the ones who raise me I'll text you guys and all Alright?"Jungkook speaks as he looks at the train and at their parents waving bye and entering. Maybe this would be the start of something new for him plus he wanted to know what Seoul was like and maybe get scouted by another agency who was willing to make him a trainee and debut.

As jungkook was in the train he felt excited but he also felt nervous, he was only 16 and he's already leaving this young age...Yugyeom being the only friend he knows... he hopes the other backup dancers don't bully him or something like they do in school. He also hopes that bangtan can accept many thoughts in jungkooks mind he fell asleep having a dream.

Jungkook was on a stage he wasn't backup he was in the center with a microphone piece and others were around him wearing the same thing but he couldn't clearly see their faces or hear their voices all he could hear were screams. Screaming fans as he looked at them with a smile as he heard music and started dancing with the members around him who still weren't clear. Jungkook loves that moment he felt at home by being on stage seeing those people scream his name and sing along felt amazing....but it was only just a dream....

He woke up suddenly seeing that he was already in Seoul as he looked up to see many building and amazing things. The train stopped and got off as he sees yugyeom in the distance and he smiles at him as they walk closer.

"Jungkookie! You made it! Welcome to Seoul I've only been here for two weeks but you will get used to it I'm glad ur here my parents are excited to see you! Ahh so you know about those people who scouted ya somehow well he was from JYP I went in for a audition and I don't know I may become a trainee they said I would hear back from them in a week!" He says
"Woah Yugyeom that's really exciting in happy for you! Mine was from big hit and I'm their backup dancer I have to meet the one who talked to me today I think I hav to tell him I arrived but first I'd like to see ur new home!"he chants happily as they nod walking since it was near his friends house.


After looking around and all and taking a small break Jungkook went to take a bus to big hit studios as he texted the hyung about him being inside the building. It was sorta small but it had the words big hit. Jungkook calmed down his nerves as he gets inside seeing it was actually quite big as he got attended when he saw sung deok hyung.

" Hey jungkook Im so glad that u made it! Anyways first things first since ur parents signed the contract already for being a dancer bang pd has ro know you and all he's nice don't worry and by tmrw if ur free we can start practice where u will be meeting the members of bts and the other dancers I'll be teaching you all in the same room we are only 10 so please follow me!" he speaks as Jungkook just smiles heading up when he sees a brown haired guy tall almost like him broad shoulders

"Hyung nim we are starting the dance tomorrow right?"Jin asks as he nods when he sees jungkook behind him as he smiles. "Hey your our new backup right? Is he our new backup hyung?" Jin asks as Jungkook bows feelings shy

"Yes this is Jeon Jungkook and we were just on our way to meeting with bang pd... Jungkook this is Kim Seokjin the oldest member"

"You can call me Jin and for what I see ur younger so call me hyung I'm glad we have a new backup song be shy around me we are all nice here!"with that Jin bows and Jungkook returns it. "Thanks hyung its pleasure meeting idols who will become big! It's also a pleasure being u guys back up dancers I'll do my best!" and he gives his bunny smile making Jimin smile. "Yah he's cute! Anyways I better go see you tomorrow Jungkookie!" Jin speaks leaving heading to a meeting room. Jungkook liked Jin he gave a nice hyung vibe but also funny he hope the other members were to be like this. But now he was more nervous meeting the CEO of the company. "Looks like someone already like you! Don't be shy Jungkook or nervous we all treat people like family plus your a great kid bang pd can be strict but only when he wants too now follow me!"he las his back as Jungkook follows looking at the members picture hanged up on the wall along with the CEO.

JungKook walks in to see a somewhat small and chubby man but not too chubby who's writing for what it seems music notes as he looks up and smiles when seeing JungKook who bows."Hello I'm jeon JungKook I'm 16 yrs old and I'm the new backup Dancer it's a pleasure meeting you sir." He normally wanted his hyung to introduce him but he also had to show he has the guts to do this Job. "Mr pd nim he's the one I told you about he has some hood dancing skills if I'm being honest and he's from busan like Jimin and he came to Seoul today morning!"

"Well Nice meeting you JungKook so you will get paid since this in some way is a job and I'm sure sung deok has Told you the rules and such, but I would like to see you dance if you don't mind the dance studio is next to my office and the members are in a meeting with their manager but I have time to watch you let's head over shall we?"he asks getting up as now JungKook becomes even more nervous but he looks at the dance studio and is amazed by it..he's never been to one he only dances in his room. "Yea you never have seen a dance room like this JungKook ssi?" Bang do asks as the boy shakes his head. "Unfortunately no sir I haven't, I mainly dance in my room where there's a space and all."as the two nod

"Well JungKook I was told you know boy in luv let me see that first and then Dance something different I wanna see your skills."he speaks and JungKook nods leaving his phone as sung deok pats his back and he settles in front of the mirror trying to show his nervousness He really didn't want too mess up now that he was getting a chance.

JungKook begins dancing boy in luv hitting all the moves and details which actually shocked the two older people in the room. His body moves along to the beat making him look really professional and using emotions every now and then. This mostly shocked the CEO who saw that JungKook has talent, after that song JungKook danced to a western artist one where he made his own moves amazing them even more a she finished with his breath, hoping that he did amazing

Back up dancer JJKxBTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ